Julian and Lucas

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"So, do you think it's Romeo's baby?" Allen asked after getting over the initial shock. It had taken quite a while to convince his friend that he was in fact pregnant and this wasn't some elaborate prank.

"Of course it is. I haven't done it with anyone else." I sighed at his name for my night time visitor.

"So some freaky rapist breaks into your house, rapes you, and gets you freakishly pregnant, and your not even remotely mad!"

"I am, there isn't anything I can do about it now." I wasn't really mad for the reasons Allen wanted me to be. I was mad because said freaky rapist hasn't shown up for two months now.

"Good you should be. How far along are you anyways?" Allen asked poking my baby bump.

Apparently , along with having an impossible child, I also have an accelerated pregnancy."I'm only two months but the doctors said I'm showing signs of being four months pregnan, almost five."

"So how are you going to deliver it? Your ass can't stretch like that." Allen looked pained by the idea.

"I'm not pooping this baby out. The doctors say if it lives to be born they will preform a C-section."

Allen nodded as if that made sense. "Okay... you know this is all freaky and I'm thinking that the baby is an alien probe right?"

"I figured."


"Hello, love." I heard the whispered voice and couldn't believe my ears.

"Your back! Thank God." I jumped out of bed and threw my arms around him my earlier anger forgotten.

"Your pregnant!" He exclaimed  feeling my belly against him.

I gave him a glare in the dark.

"Most people wouldn't automatically assume pregnancy in males. So I'm guessing you knew about this?"

"I would love to answer all your questions but sadly don't have the authority. Let me hold you love. I've missed you." He said kissing me.

I pushed him away. "No, I'm pregnant, I'm a boy, I want to know why!"

"It's complicated and I really can't speak about it. I'm just excited I'm going to be a dad." He gushed.

"We don't even know each others names and your acting like getting me pregnant is nothing." I was utterly shocked by his flippant ways.

"Don't worry about it love." He kissed me once more, deeper this time.

I forgot why I was angry as he made love to me. When he finished he got up to leave out the window once more.

"You don't have to do that anymore. I live alone. You can go out the front door. You can even shower and bring a change of cloths if you want."

He smiled sadly at me only shaking his head and leaving the way he came.


"Allen, I think I need to go to the hospital." I cried out as a horrible pain gripped me.

"W-What! Hold on."

In minutes we were speeding down the highway and being rushed to emergency. Allen was told to stay outside the room as the doctors prepaired for the c-section.

Before anyone could cut into me a low growl filled the room. I looked up in fear of what was to come. To my horror three large wolves entered the room. One of which had piercing blue eyes. I gasped at the sight but shook my head at the thought. No way.

The three wolves attacked the doctors and the nurses in the room. Blood was everywhere. Were they dead? Tears of fear sprang to my eyes as I realized I would be next.

The wolves approached my bed where I was drugged and helpless. I was numbed from my stomach down and couldn't move. To my surprise they didn't attack. Instead the blue eyed one licked the tears from my cheeks and gave a small bark to one of the others.

My jaw dropped as a middle aged man replaced the wolf that had previously been before me.

"Don't worry. We aren't here to hurt you." He said before picking up a scalpel.

That was comforting. Not. I fainted as soon as he finished talking. The shock of everything taking its tole in me.


When I woke I could hear my heart monitor beeping. My eyes fluttered open and panick gripped me as I remembered what happened just a moment before. Wait how long was I out?

I looked down at my stomach. My heart dropped as I realized there was no longer a baby in it. A noise to my left had me snapping my head up. There was my intruder holding my baby to his bare chest.

"Hello love. I'm going to be taking the child now. I wanted to wait until you woke to make sure you were ok." He smiled down at the tiny being in his arms.

"You can't take him! That's my baby!" I  cried as he looks up at me sadly.

"It's hard for me to have to do this but its the only way. Did You have a man in mind?"

I was in shock. The man I had come to love or I guess it was more like lust, was takeing my baby from me.

"Hello... do you have a name?" He asked snapping his fingers.

I silently opened and closed my mouth like a dying fish.

"This is the only chance you will have. Did you name the boy or not?" He asked once more.

"Romeo." I finally whispered as tears ran down my face.

Allen and I had agreed on naming him that since for the past four months Allen had called my mystery visitor Romeo. So it kind of felt like I was naming him after his dad even if I didn't know his name.

"That's a perfect name." He said smiling.

"I thought so..." I replied.

The man nodded his good bye and began to open the window.

"Wait! What's your name?" I needed to know.

He smiled at me then nodded to himself.

"Julian." Then he was gone in the blink of an eye.

Romeo and Julian. The two people I would ever love dissapeard. Would I ever see them again?

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