Lance and Sarvis

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I woke up the next morning in my own empty bed feeling more alone then ever before. I wanted him. I had to force myself not to run to his room and never let him out of my sight.

I quickly got ready for the day hoping to at least catch a glimpse of him before he went off to school. Sadly since his father owned the bank he was one of two wolves in the pack sent to school along with the pack doctors daughter Mila. I quickly made it to the front door of the pack house knowing he would have to go through there and it would most likely be deserted since everyone but Mila would be in bed for another hour.

When he finally did emerge it was with Mila right behind him laughing at something he said. My blood boiled a bit at the sight but I calmed myself down. Why wouldn't they be friends? They were the only pack members going to school. Even though Mila was a year younger they still had that in common.

When he finally did look up to see me standing in the foyer his smile grew a bit wide and his eyes sparkled. I smiled back at him for a moment then remembered Mila. I gave her a less genuine smile so she wouldn't get suspicious.

"Good morning Alpha." Mila greeted with a small bow of the head.

"Morning Mila. Off to school?" I asked even though I already new the answer.

"Yes Alpha me and Sarvis ride together in his car." She explained.

I didn't like the idea of my mate being alone with a female every morning but took comfort in the fact that he was gay.

"Well have a good day you two." I replied.

I glanced up at Sarvis as he held the door open for Mila. When she was out of the door he quickly spun around to face me. He surprised me with a small kiss.

"Have a good day Lance, I'll see you later." He whispered before rushing out of the door before Mila could notice his absence.

I smiled as I watched him walk to the car pressing my lips together to savor the goodbye kiss. I watched until the car pulled out of the driveway then shut the door and turned back to reality.

My pack would wake up in an hour. The other males and I would go hunting. At least I could provide for my mate while he was gone. It would make me feel a bit better about the separation and give my wolf something to do.

"Morning Alpha. I just got called into the hospital do you mind letting Mila know?" Dr. Riel asked me as he stepped into his shoes.

His mate had died durring child birth so no one but John took care of Mila. Well of course the pack stepped in to help but she didn't have a true mother.

"Of course John. I don't have to go in today I'll tell her when I see her." Shoot that reminded me I had to talk to the mayor about my issue.

"Thanks Alpha your the best." He replied with a small respectful bow.

"She is a member of this pack, it is my job to take care of her." I informed him.

He smiled at me. "Always business with you as usual."

I didn't comment and watched as he rushed out to get to work. It was now eight o'clock . Some pack members would be waking up soon and starting the day. Our hunt would be at nine after breakfast. Usually only mated males went on the hunt to prove they were strong and could provide for their family. Being the Alpha I went on every hunt when I wasn't at the office to show I could provide for the pack. This hunt would hold new meaning for me.

"Hello Alpha." I was snapped out of my thought when I saw Celine, Sarvus' mother and the owner of Larson First Bank.

I blinked in surprise at the sight of her and her uncanny likeness to her son but then got it together. "Hello Celine. off to work?"

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