Moon and Nathaniel

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"Why are we here again?" I asked my dad for the hundredth time. He continued walking silently through the forest as if he hadn't heard me. "Dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, alpha, mark, father, papa, dad, dad, dad, dad."

"Enough!" He finally shouted. "We are here on a peace mission to another pack. You weren't listening at the meeting again." He role his eyes. No I hadn't paid any attention at the boring meetings my dad forced me to attend. What was the point? I was an omega. It was my brother that need to know all these things.

"A pack that we have to meet in wolf form?" That was the only time we went into the forest, to run free as wolves.

"No, they live in the forest. Their pack is a little different from a normal one. They embrace their wolf half more and don't bother with towns and cities or humans at all for that matter." He explained.

"No humans plus living in the forest means no technology. That's stupid." I huffed.

"It's not stupid! You better not insult them when we get there Nathaniel or so help me!" My dad growled in his alpha tone.

Yelping at the pressure, I bared my neck to him in submission. Now I hung back a few steps. Embarrassed and thoroughly chastised. I didn't have a single alpha gene being a dominant omega. That be in the case I could never fight against my father's command but it didn't mean I was happy about it.

As we walked for a while in silence I thought about this strange wild pack that lived like cavemen. Why choose that life? Having to go hunting every day to survive. Hunting was supposed to be fun, it kind of took the fun out of it when you had to do something. No heat or electricity. I couldn't imagine living like that.

Yeah if you had to hunt we would go hungry all the time. My wolf chortled.

I frowned and was about to respond when my dad announced our arrival at the wild hearts pack. A warrior dressed in nothing but a pair of shorts that looked exactly like the animal he killed to make them came out to meet us. We stopped politely a few feet from the border waiting to be invited in.

"Hello brothers, my name is Salem, I will be escorting you to our Alpha." The words were friendly but the look he gave us was one of disgust. His eyes traveled to our modern clothing and backpacks. Judging everything about us and not hiding it.

We ignored the dirty look as best we could. Although my dad told me to behave earlier he looked like the one who was having trouble being polite. The look the warrior had given us was such a horrible sign of disrespect for any prideful alpha. Hopefully, this wouldn't cause trouble for our mission.

Stepping closer to my father I reached up on my tippy toes to tap his forehead. It was something he always did to us pups growing up. It was usually accompanied by a "be good" but I didn't want to alert the guard to our disdain. At first dad gave me a questioning look. Wondering why I was reaching for him but still automatically slouched down a bit to help me reach. Once he felt the tap on his forehead the confusion in his eyes cleared. He chuckled and shook his head. Ruffling my hair to let me know he got the message. The anger melted from his face and he went back to politely following the rude guard's lead.

As we entered what looked like a small village I smelled the most intoxicating scent. Looking towards my father to see if he could smell it as well, he didn't seem to notice it. Shrugging I moved on. Following Salem, as he wove his way between 'homes'. Air quotes around that. The 'houses' were all completely different. Some were as simple as teepee-looking things and others were as complex as small log cabins.

Noseyness overwhelmed me and I couldn't help but ask Salem about this.

"In this pack, we have to provide everything for our mates. That includes hunting and creating shelter. The lesser males who weren't very good at the shelter part built more crude structures. The nicer homes are made by more accomplished pack members." He explained.

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