Mathis and Arlo

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I didn't know what had come over my precious baby but it seemed like the same hysteria that had come over him the night at the club. What had I done wrong? I always made sure to ask him if he was ok whenever i touched him in the past twenty-four hours. Had he been lying to me about his true fear? Why was he pushing himself? My thoughts were answered when I hear my poor baby begging me not to leave him. Tears sprang to my eyes at the pitiful sound of his voice. I pulled him tighter to me and rubbed circles into his bare back trying to sooth him.

"Shhh.. no ones leaving you. Please calm down Arlo. Let's put some clothes on to get you a bit more relaxed ok?" I asked once he had stopped outright sobbing.

He nodded with tears still streaming down his face. I dressed him quickly then myself. I wanted him to feel safe while we talked things through. Being naked would just make him feel trapped and vulnerable.

Once completely clothed I sat him on the edge of the bed and kneeled in front of him. Our physical contact was now reduced to just a hand on his knee.

"I'm sorry for ruining everything. Please just continue. I-I won't stop you I swear!" He begged as more tears sprang free.

I growled low. I hated the idea of any one hurting my mate even himself, but most especially me. I wouldn't allow him to force himself because he was afraid I would abandon him. I had to show him that no matter what he did I wouldn't leave him.

"Listen to me Arlo. Do you feel comfortable with me?" I tried to make my alpha voice flow strongly in every word, even as a human he would feel compelled to answer honestly.

"Sort of." He squeaked.

"What don't you feel comfortable with?"

He looked down at his hands as he tried to form a reply.

"W-when you kissed me today, I didn't think I was ready for that yet but I knew it was what you wanted. Truth be told all the times you've kissed me today made me feel uncomfortable." He whispers seemingly ashamed of himself.

"Why didn't you tell me to stop? Or say it wasn't ok whenever I asked?" I questioned.

"No one wants someone that doesn't want them back... I was afraid that if I told you I didn't want to do those things... you would just dump me back in the street and find someone who did." He began sobbing once more at his confession.

My poor baby. I know the pack had agreed we shouldn't tell him... but what if telling him made him realize there was no way I would leave him? But it could also have the opposite effect and make him leave me out of fear. I would try to convince him without telling him first. If push came to shove I would just give him the truth. Nothing worse than me almost rapeing my mate could happen.

"Listen Arlo, I know this may sound crazy because it has only been a day but... the moment you fell into my lap at the club I had fallen in love with you. I know you feel for me as well, not as strongly, but still I know you feel the connection we have. Nothing will ever make me leave you unless you tell me you want to leave me. I love you, I want you to stay by my side forever. I won't ever force myself on you. The only reason I did this was because I thought you wanted it just as much. I won't touch you again unless you make the first move." All I could do was hope my speech got through to him, if not I would have to tell him the magical reason why I would never harm him intentionally.

He seemed to ponder my words for a moment. "You won't be angry at me?"

"No!" I quickly answer.

"Even if I don't love you back?" He continues unsure.

"Although I would love for you to love me I won't force you. I just want you to know that you have my love. When you love someone nothing they do could ever irritate you enough that you would leave them. Did you think I was only keeping you here and buying you stuff because I wanted sex?" My heart breaks at his tiny embarrassed nod. "Don't ever think that! I love you! That is why I want you here! Do you understand?"

He nods meekly and I sigh in relief. I guess I would keep my secret for a bit longer until he learned to love me.

"I'm going to sleep in the guest room until your comfortable with me. You can stay here. Everything in here is at your disposal including me. If you need anything I'll just be next door." I stand to go but am stopped by his hand on my shirt.

"Please don't leave. I feel so relaxed when I'm with you, other than the kissing and touching... can you just stay on the other side of the bed? Please?" He looked up at me with wide pleading eyes that I of course wouldn't dare refuse.

"Of course. I promise not to touch you either so please don't worry." I assured.

"I'm not worried about you forcing yourself on me anymore. I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. I just don't have much experience with people in general... usually kindness is given because they want something from you. Being on the street taught me to be more weary of the nice ones." He tried to explain.

"It's ok love, my only priority is your comfort. The fact that your even letting me near you after what almost happened makes me extremely happy. I wasn't very excited about having to sleep in the other room truth be told." I smile reassuringly at him hoping to further relax him.

"Thank you for everything today and last night Mathis. I still can't believe you already love me. I may not be ready to love you yet but I want you to know that you are someone I could definitely come to love one day." He finally looked me in the eye as he spoke.

My heart swelled at his words. He was human so I would just have to accept this much for now.

Thank @NenoIbrahim for the update!

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