Marcus and Omega

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Omegas were not considered a part of the werewolf race. They had no emotions, no feelings,  none of their own thoughts and the thing that made them separate from a true werewolf, no mate. For these reasons they were treated as furniture. Simply there to serve a purpose. They stood still and stared off into space until they heard the magic word that would wake them from their open eyed slumber.

"OMEGA." I called out to the boy maning the room.

He was about nineteen years old with light brown hair and beautifull green eyes. At the call of his 'name' he snapped his head in my direction. Omegas are never named so the parent doesn't get attached to them.

"How may I serve you Alpha." The omega answered in a monotone voice.

His voice held no love or joy. It was simply 'alpha'.

"Why are you in here?" I asked sternly.

"This is my post." He answered simply.

"Who ordered you to attend this room?" I growled.

"Alis." He replied, still no emotion.

Damn that Alis. She was always ordering the Omega away from me. She was the most hurt by who my true mate turned out to be.

"Listen omega, from now on I don't want you following a single one of Alis' orders. Do you understand?" I would not have Alis hiding my mate away from me every chance she got.

This time he was in a storage closet. If I hadn't found him he would have stood here for days without food or drink. I was livid. I had flipped the whole den upside down looking for him. The most annoying thing was that I couldn't call out to him. Every time I looked into a room and shouted out 'omega' ten others would reply 'yes Alpha?'. I had to do something about that.... I got it.

"Listen to me mate. From now on I want you to only listen when someone calls you 'mate'. Understand?" This way I would be the only one able to order him to do things.

"Yes Alpha." He replied.

I decided to test it out. "Omega, kiss me."

He didn't move. I smiled triumphantly but still wanted that kiss.

"Mate, kiss me." I repeated the order using his new title.

He quickly obliged. Leaning his head back and meeting me half way to connect out lips. I kept the kiss short, I hated having to order someone to show me affection. He never seemed pleased by the order. He reacted to it the same as if I had told him to kiss his own hand. I was beginning to think Omegas had no sex drive. I wouldn't know for sure until I officially mated him. I was putting it off in the hopes that he would show me some kind of love on his own.

I had no one to blame for my mates lack of response but myself. Maybe if my predisesors had treated omegas right from the beginning they wouldn't be like this now. We didn't beat or abuse them but like I said they weren't held to the same standards as werewolves. That did something to them. I guess you could say it crushed their spirits.

"Come on mate. We are going to have dinner in my suit then watch a movie. Would you like that?" I asked kissing his cheek.

He looked up at me confused by my question. I knew he didn't get the concept of like or dislike. He didnt have a choice before.

"I do not understand the last order but I will start preparing dinner and set up the movie right away Alpha." He replied.

"No mate, we are going to have dinner together and watch a movie. That means you will be joining me in these activities. I also asked if you would like to do these things. That means show a fondness for. Does that help you to understand?" I explained as if to a child.

"Yes Alpha." He replied. I knew he didn't really understand the like part but was happy enough when he sat beside me back in the Alpha suit and another omega prepare dinner.

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