Austin and Knox

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The bell to end class sounded and I walked out into the crowded hallway. That's when I was hit with the most aluring smell ever. I looked at the people to my right and left to see who smelled so nice. I don't even know why I wanted to find the scent but I was suddenly interrupted from my search by my friend Mario.

"Austin! Are you going to that dance tonight? If you don't have a date, my date has a sister." Mario said wiggling his eyebrow.

I rolled my eyes at his antics and just shook my head. I almost wanted to say it would be better if the girl had a brother but nothing good would come of that so I just stayed silent.

"Man you suck. Have some fun for once! Are you like in love with your virginity? Geez." He huffed and walked away leaving me blushing as I made my way to my locker.

When I got there I smelled the sweet smell again and turned towards it. This time when I looked to my right I saw that a new boy had taken up residence in the locker next to mine. He was small and thin with brown hair and brown eyes. He stared up at me wide eyed. Something about him was extremely attractive I just couldn't put my finger on it. Sure he was cute in general but this feeling tugging at me was something more.

"Hello." I decided to talk to him.

He looked shocked and then was off like a rabit running down the hall. What did I do? Maybe he was just cripplingly shy, I mused.

Shrugging it off I walked into my next class only to see the same boy sitting in the corner of the room. I guess I get another chance. Plopping my bag down next to him I took my seat. Turning to him I could see the redness crawl up his neck. He must be really embarrassed for running away only to have to face me seconds later. I won't mention it then.

"Hi I'm Austin." I said acting as if I hadn't just been trying to talk to him by the lockers.

He glanced at me out of the corner of his eyes and looked back down to his desk quickly. I almost thought he wasn't going to answer but then I heard a small voice.


I just nodded. I was never a man of many words. It seemed like Knox was the same because he didn't try to say anything else. We went through the whole class not saying another word but I did catch him sneeking glances.

When the bell finally rang I did get up from my seat but didn't leave right away instead waiting for Knox to collect his things. When he finally did we walked back to our lockers together still without speaking. As if in silent agreement he finished grabbing his books but waited for me as I had waited for him.

Just as he was about to finally say something Mario came out of nowhere and threw his hand over my shoulder. Loudly talking about the dance once again.
I saw Knox's eyes flicker from the floor to Mario's hand slung around my neck and a look of hurt crossed his face. I don't know why I cared so much about that look but I did. Quickly I shrugged Mario's hand off and introduced him to my new locker buddy.

"Mario, this is Knox. Knox this is my friend Mario." Mario greeted him and relief seemed to flood Knox's features. Weird. It made me happy for some reason.

"Come on man we have to get to P.E." Mario announced giving Knox a small wave good bye.

"What's your next class?" I asked before Mario could pull me away.

"Psych." He whispered.

"Do you know the way?" I asked.

"Dude. We don't have time to show him. It's on the opposite end of the school from the gym!" He sounded annoyed.

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