Finn and Nile

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The full moon was upon us. My pack was going for our run as usual but tonight's run would be special. Durring tonight's run I was finally considered old enough to mate after 216 moons. That is about nineteen in human years but varies depending on the blue moon.

"Are you excited Nile?" My father asked patting me on the head.

"I'm a little nervouse actually." I replied honestly. Some of the pack members still saw me as a pup due to my size. I wasn't sure if they would even see me as an adult ready to mate.

"Don't be. Your're adorable! All the wolves will be jumping to impress you tonight." My mother assured me.

Bashfully I looked away. Everyone in the pack knew I wasn't fit to care for my mate. They always said I was to be cared for, so I will be the female of the two. This situation was quite rare but not unheard of. Once in a while there was a male mother such as myself but a lot of times many moons would pass and they would never get mated.

"I know what you're thinking so stop! You are not like those other male mothers. None of them already had their own personal stalker." My best friend Lala said smirking cheekily while glancing at said 'stalker'.

"Finn is not a stalker! He will hear you one of these days La and when that happens I am going to strangle you." I whispered angrily at her.

Finn was a pack warrior. He was beautiful really. More mussel than I've ever seen before, pitch black hair and grey eyes. There was a time when Lala thought he was stalking her since me and her were always together.

She found out that wasn't the case two moons ago when she came of age and he didn't even attempt to impress her, choosing to nap instead. Lala was slightly heart broken but got over it when a male who had also come of age that same moon dug her a wonderful den and caught her a good sized doe. Now Lala having completely forgotten her attraction to the older male was filled with her first litter.

The whole Finn stalking Lala thing was very credible at the time because 56 moons have past since his own coming of age and he still didn't try to impress any of the she wolves that have been panting over him since they were pups. Almost five years of waiting for him to pick them.

"Hey! Don't threaten me just because your afraid of the truth." Lala sang.

"How can that be true? He can have anyone why would he want me?" I was flabbergasted by the thought.

"Guess we'll find out tonight." She smirked. Then Seth finally came to collect his wayward very pregnant mate. He had barely left her side since their mateing.

"Hi Seth!" I greeted, happy to be saved.

He smiled down at me and pulled Lala close. "Hello Nile. Gonna have all the unmated males begging on their knees tonight?"

My face felt too hot. I had to look away, right into the eyes of Finn. My cheeks burned hotter as our eyes met. My eyes widened as he smiled at me.

"Look at that adorable blush! Of course they will worship the ground he walks on." Lala stated matter of factly. "And if not his blush, his pretty wolf will do the trick."

"God! Lala I am not your friend anymore!" I stomped away.

"I am only speaking the truth! Why do you hate me?" She shouted after me with a laugh knowing I wasn't being serious.

"No 'friend' would make me burn my face off." I shouted over my shoulder.

"We change in five minutes Nile. Are you ready?" My mother said walking up to me.


All the pack members left their little groupings to stand in a large circle in the usual clearing in the woods. My mother was on my left a few feet away and my dad the same distance to my right. We looked in the direction of the rising full moon as it came into view all that could be heard was the popping of bones and small yelps of pain.

When the change was finally complete I stood in my copper wolf. My father stood in the same copper fur and my mother in a wolf the color of fire. Across the clearing my eye landed on Finn whose fur was steel gray. His wolf was at least three times bigger than mine. He looked so capable. As if he would have no trouble providing for me and my pups.

Only now did I let myself hope a little that Lala was right and Finn might be providing for me by the end of the night. As the time finally came I stood completely still. Waiting for someone to approach. Even if it wasn't Finn I would be happy.

To my surprise several males drifted over to me. One was actually a friend of mine since we were pups. I was kind of shocked to see him amongst the other males. Other than that the others were nobody special. One was even a middle aged grey furred wolf. I definitely wasn't picking him. I thought automatically.

Suddenly the men all stopped their advances at once at the sound of a menacing growl. I looked in the direction of the growl and saw Finn glaring at the other four males. Two of them, the old one and another turned away from me imedietly with their tails between their legs. The other two, Brandon, my childhood friend and a male with bronze fur didn't leave though.

At a silent signal all three males began to howl. They howled for five minutes until the bronze male bowed out. He walked away the same as the other two losers. Afterwards Brandon and Finn faced each other staring each other down. Finn clearly had the stronger presence but Brandon refused to back down.

Without warning both men raced into the woods. I laid down on the floor to await their return. After about half an hour Finn returned to the clearing this time with a huge buck between his teeth. It dwarfed the doe Seth had given Lala.

He trecked forward dragging the beast with him and placed it down at my feet. I purred at the sight. The thought of my mate being able to provide for me was such a turn on.

My head snapped up at the sound of a whimper. Brandon had joined us in the clearing with a rabbit in his mouth. The smaller male looked at Finns catch enviously. Finally admitting defeat Brandon tucked in his tail and slunk away.

I turned to my final prospect. None of this meant he won me. Now it was up to me weather I would accept him and allow him to mate me. Finn nudged me up with his nose and gestured for me to follow him. He lead me to a small grove of shrubbery. He got to work right away, digging underneath some bushes. I watched him work for almost an hour. By the end he'd long since dissapeard from the entrance. He came back up and waited outside as I got up to inspect it.

I walked in, amazed by the spaciousness. Stepping back out to take a look around the entrance and noticing how well hidden it was. Finally, I stepped up to Finn and licked at his muzzle in acceptance. He purred and licked back in a wolf kiss.We rubbed noses and headed into the den.

Once in, Finn sniffed my backside and turned for me to do the same. After taking in the others scent we began rubbing at each other's side. This rubbing, joined by a few playful nipps went on for a few more minute. Once I was relaxed Finn came up behind me and began to mount me. The feel of the larger male warming my back was so delicious I couldn't help but rub back up against him.

He let out a low sexy growl and nipped at my neck before slowly approaching my entrance with his cock. I whimpered as they finally connected. He slowly slid his whole member into me pulling a soft whine from my throat.

He waited a moment for me to adjust then slowly slid his over large cock out of my ass. After a few more slow thrust Finn began moving a little faster but was still so gentle and carefully with me my heart swelled with love.

Soon Finn couldn't control his thrusts much longer and began speeding up erratically. I came while whimpering loudly. Finn finished deep within me his knot slowly forming. I laid down, him beside me waiting for the completion of his knot. Soon we had enough of waiting and just drifted of to sleep. It was a wonderful feeling for me. Content with a strong and reliable mate close by.

The End

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