Romeo and Logan

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"Romeo! Where are you!" I heard papa wolf yell panicked.

I always had fun running from papa wolf. He sounded really scared this time. Maybe I should jump out now? Before I could do it though something got me. It wasn't papa wolf.

"Hello mate." The bigger boy purred.

I looked up at him in awe. He was so pretty. Not large and mussley like daddy. Lean and much smaller.


"ROMEO! This isn't funny anymore! Please come out!"

"Daddy is looking for me. I have to go. I was practicing hiding my scent. I can't turn it back on." My eyes watered as I thought about my daddy not ever being able to find me.

"Don't cry Romeo. I'll get you back to Alpha Julian." The boy held me closer to his chest rubbing soothing circles into my back.

We walked out of the thicket I had been hiding in. Papa wolf's head snapped in our direction and suddenly I was being ripped from the boys arms. My wolf didn't like that much. I whined and tryed to wiggle out of my papas arms as the boy looked helplessly at me.

"Why do you have my pup!" Daddy growled at the boy.

"Sorry alpha! I didn't mean to worry you. Your son seems to be my mate." The boy whimpered submisively.

"What? He's seven years old. He doesn't know who his mate is yet." My daddy growled.

"Sorry... I'm eighteen today alpha." He whimpered.

I didn't understand why papa wolf was being mean to the boy.

"Papa don't be mean to him! He's littler than you. That's what you always tell me!" I wiggled free of papa wolf and ran to the boy.

He automatically leaned down to pick me up. "Hi, I'm Romeo."

"Logan." He replied smiling a bit.

"You better not get carried away. He's only a child even if he is your mate." Papa growled.

Logan blushed prettily as he vigorously shook his head. "Never! I love him but would never do such a thing. I'm a submissive male alpha."

He whispered the last part embarrassed. I didn't understand what they were saying but just cuddled into my mate. He smile faintly.

"Very well. You will be moved into the main circle then." Papa announced.

Logan bowed his head and fallowed my papa with me still in his arms.

"Alpha, will I need to be prepared to meet your mate when we get there?" Logan asked nervously.

My papa's mate? Does papa have a mate? I never saw one. It's always just me and papa.

"No." Pap growled. Now he was angry again.

"Sorry... did I say something wrong?" Logan whimpered.

"No. It's nothing. My mate doesn't live in the pack is all." Papa replied taking a deep breath like he told me to do when I want to calm down.


Logan looked down at me and smiled.

"Your papa must really love you if your all he has. Don't hide so well next time. You probably scared him." Logan scolded.

How did papa not having a mate turn into me getting lectured by mine?

"It's ok son. It's my fault for teaching you so well. Let your scent out." Papa smiled reassuringly.

I blushed and looked away. Logan let out a small giggle.

"He can't Alpha. He told me he forgot how to 'turn it back on'. " He giggled once more.

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