Julian and Lucas

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I tried my best to fall asleep but I just kept tossing and turning. I looked at my alarm clock for the hundreth time. Eleven o'clock. If I didn't fall asleep soon I wouldn't have any energy for school tomorrow. As I sat there contemplating this I heard a sound at my window. Before I could even look up to see what it was a large shadowy figure was above me. I opened my mouth to scream like a girl but it was quickly covered by a rough hand. For some odd reason instead of being more freaked it calmed me.

This didn't mean I stopped fighting though. He held me down as I wiggled and kicked, trying to get him off. I don't know why the panic wasn't setting in. I felt like I was kicking him off because that's what a normal person would do, not because I was afraid for my life. Needless to say my kicking and silent screams did nothing to the large man as he continues to pin me to my bed. I couldn't make out a single feature of his face since the room was pitch black.

I heard my clothes tear as he ripped them off my body. Still I couldn't summon the panick I needed to throw him off of me. It was like my mind and body were two different beings.

"It's ok love, I promise this won't hurt a bit." His voice was low and seductive sending chills down my spine.

I should be disgusted but instead I was horribly turned on. I laid there with his hand still on my mouth as he groped me while his mouth was at my neck. I looked between us to see that the intruder was already completely naked. Did he take his cloths off outside the window? was he a perverted  serial rapist who was always prepared?

All these questions ran through my mind as he continues to have his way with me. True to his word I felt no pain as he finally thrusted deep inside me. Instead I only felt a mind blowing pleasure and the need for more. Was I sick for enjoying rape? He even still had a hand over my mouth. Why was I already on the verge of cumming? My mind was in a state of war with my body. Everything it thought of as horribly wrong at the moment only made my body feel good.

It was a while before he finally finished. I felt him release inside of me. No condom then. My mind reeled at the disgusting idea but my body shivered in delight at the lack of barrier between us.

I didn't understand any of this.

He laid over me for a moment longer, catching his breath after what must have been an intense orgasm. When he looked into my eyes the moon showed brightly through the window for just a moment revealing sad blue eyes.

"Sorry love." He removed his hand from my mouth.

I did nothing as he leaned in giving me a quick kiss before suddenly disappearing. After he left I felt completely drained and passed out.


"Dude, you were raped. You could have some disease. Go to a hospital." My best friend Allen begged after I told him of my strange night.

"That's just it... I don't feel raped." I tried to explain.

"It doesn't matter what you feel, a strange man, who was naked by the way, obviously premeditated, climes through your window holds you down and has sex with you. Covering your mouth the whole time so you wouldn't scream! THAT'S RAPE." He shouts at the end causing me to flinch as I look to see that the rest of the school was ignoring him.

"Keep it down. Fine I'll go get tested after school. Happy?"

"Very. Now let's get to class before Mrs. Biel complains." Allen said rushing to get to class.


"Ok Mr. White, your test results will come back in a week or so. We will call you with he news." The nurse gave me a reassuring smile before turning back to her paper work.

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