Albion and Link

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"Come on Lone!" I shouted back to my little brother.

He was chasing after me as fast as his five year old legs could carry him. Me being sixteen, I was obviously much faster but still let him win. Lone was not much smaller than me, he would out grow and out run me in no time. I was more my mother's size and he was clearly growing to be more the size of our dad.

"I got you!" He shouted as he jumped onto my back.

"You got me? Well here's  your prize." I pulled him from my back and tickled him until he was squealing.

"I give! I give!" He cried.

"Boys come in! Dinners ready!" We both raced to the house to get to the food first.


Three years later.


I was walking through the forest when Lone came running from the direction of the house.

"Link! Mo-" Lone began to shout but was cut of by a large wolf tackling him to the grownd.

I was horrified. "LONE!"

The large black wolf turned towards me with my brother hanging limp from his jaws. I fell to my knees numb with fear staring directly into the giants wolfs eyes. He snarled and stalked towards me. I whimpered in fear and started to cry. I was not a fighter. I was going to die.

Then a large blonde wolf appeared tackling the other to the ground. The blonde wolf tore the other apart in pure rage.

After the offending wolf was limp on the forest floor the blonde wolf shifted back into my father. He sobbed as he took Lone away lifting him into his arms and walking over to me.

"Get up sweety. We have to go home." He told me nodding towards home.

Tears streamed down both our faces as we walked into our living room. My father holding my mangled and bloodied brother in his arms.

"WHAT HAPPENED!?" My mother screamed as she entered the living room.

She ran over to my father and pulled her youngest from him crying and rocking her baby.

Three years later

"Link come inside." My mother called as I stood watching the sun set.

"In a sec!" I shouted back.

I turned back towards the sunset. I wasn't really looking at the sunset I was waiting for the moon to rise and shine on my back. I so rarely got to feel it.

"That's enough now Link come inside." My mother had come out of the house and was now tugging me back just as I felt the moons light.

"Ok." I turned and walked into the house with my mother looking back over our shoulder every few steps.

The house my mother, father and I  shared was small but clean and organized thanks to my mother.

"Hey son, you catch some rays?" My father asked winking at me.

He didn't mind me going out to catch the moon. Sure he was nervouse but he new I wouldn't put myself in danger. Only my father understood how depressed I was due to not shifting on my twentyfirst birthday. My parents feared it was due to my lack of moon exposure. It wasn't safe for any of us to be out at night since we were a small group of rouge wolves. Any pack or bigger group of rouges  would decimate us on site.

"Some but mom dragged me back in before the sun went away." I smiled at my father and walked down the hall to my room.

There wasn't much in my room. Just a few old books my mom gave me and a twin sized bed. It was all I really needed though. There wasn't a single thing I would complain about. I just wished I could shift already. That or find my mate. Those are the only things I've ever wished for since I was a kid.

"Link dinner's ready." My mother called out a few minutes later.

I walked out into the kitchen and sat at the  four person crudely built table my father had constructed. The empty space was a sad reminder of my little brother.

"So what did you do today?" Dad asked me.

"I cleaned up a bit and wandered the forest. Nothing major." I shoved a mouth full of food in before he could ask more I hated being the topic of conversation at dinner.

"Not too far I hope?" His forehead creased in concern.

With my mouth still full I shook my head.

He nodded. "Good."

"Link I wish you would stop going on those walks." My mother sighed knowing what she said wasn't gonna phase me.

I was about to defend my walks when my father did it for me.

"Now Charlotte, we can't keep him trapped inside forever. Thats why he hasn't shifted yet." He told her matter of factly.

I blushed and looked down. Did he have to bring it up?

"I know but it still scared me." She looked down at me apologetically.

"It will be alright." He said trying to comfort her.

"Will it!? We have to stay cooped up in this house! Our son is not a healthy wolf! Our other son is dead! When will it be alright-" she was cut off by a knock on the door.

All heads snapped towards the front door. My mom looked terrified.

"Mike what do we do?" She looked up at my father panicked.

"Stay quiet." He whispered.

We all stood stock still and silent.




Shit the door wasn't locked!

That was my last thought before the door nob began to turn. The door slowly creeped open. We all stared at the door. This was life or death now.

"Hello?" A man called into the house before stepping through.

Things happened all at once. My father lunged, the stranger locked eyes with me and I felt suddenly weightless  as I fell to the floor on all fours in my wolf form.

Three things became clear then.

I had shifted.

I had found my mate.

I had to stop my father from killing him.

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