Arlis and Max

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"Motherfucker!" I heard my mate growl as I sat in the living room watching T.V. with the boys."

"What happened daddy?" Knox shouts with little Ethan sitting in his lap. Jax seemed to be playing an endless game of peek-a-boo with him.

"I stubbed my two for like the fiftieth time today!" Max shouts back.

Jax and Knox smirk at me evily.

"What did daddy do now." Knox asks knowing just how I  like to punish my little alpha.

"He didn't let me come to the last gathering. I was sat at home worried sick about him. No matter what I said or did he wouldn't change his mind." I huffed.

"Owww! Damn it, why the hell am I bumping in to shit today?" Max asked himself rubbing his sore toe.

Maybe because your mate found that the best way to get back at you when you make me mad is to move all the tables two inches to the left? I thought to myself with a smirk. I knew he wasn't learning anything from this punishment since he didn't know why it was happening. It was still prettily fun to me to watch him suffer though.

"Dad, come on I think he's had enough." Jax sighed takeing mercy on his father.

"Fine, it has been six hours of toe stubbing. When you kids were younger I used to leave legos on the floor." I admitted to the boys.

"What! He yelled at us for that." Knox whined.

"So what? I couldn't do anything else without getting myself in trouble." I shrugged and stood going around the room to right the furniture.

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