Hunter and Tristian

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My pawn was on his way up and I have finished changing into something more suitible. Christi was also on standby while the rest of my siblings were elsewhere.

"Hunter is at the door Tristain." Adonis announces.

"Let him in."

To my surprise a man, who I could only assume was Hunter, is carrying a giggly Martina on his back. Once she saw me she tapped his shoulder twice like he was her trusty stead. He then bent down to let her off just like she wanted.

"Tristian! You can mate this one." Martina announces.

"Oh can I? Thank you for your blessing Tini." I reply sarcastically.

I turn to face Hunter. He is large muscular and tan. Perfect. Let's test out what Lindon was saying earlier.

"So Hunter is it?" I ask standing to meet him.

"Yes, I'm Hunter. It is nice to finally meet you Tristian." He greets while kissing my hand.

I smile at him but snatch my hamd away. "Let's keep the touching to a minimum shall we?"

"Oh yes! Of course, how rude of me." He stammeres.

"Now that that's settled let us take a walk around the garden." I walk past him to lead the way.

Christi falows at a discreet distance all the while. Martina tries to do the same but I shake my head at her. I do not want her getting hurt if he turns out not to be what I expected.

"If I may ask, why is she fallowing?" He asks nodding back at Christi.

"That is my sister Christi. She is my chaperone for the meeting. My father's will stated that I should be protected wherever I may go." I explain.

"Wow. Your father must have loved you very much." Hunter said looking sad for my sake.

"He did. If it were up to him I would have been alpha. Now Arabella is. My father would be so dissapointed if he knew. Enough about him tell me about yourself Hunter." I say shaking my head of the memory of my fathers corpse.

"Well as my name suggests, I am the head hunter of my pack. I'm twenty five years old and would love to have many pups one day." He starts.

"Many? Wouldn't that be up to me?" I cut in glareing. I also want many pups but I wanted to hear what he would say.

"Oh, of course it is! I guess I should say I would like as many pups as my mate would give me." He rephrased scratching his head nervously.

"Hunter, what would you say if I told you I was just using you?" I ask suddenly.

"I would say, 'do with me what you may just do not leave me behind'. No matter how you look at it all mates are using eachother for what they want. The question is, what do you want? I want a family I can love and rely on. Sorry for using you for it" His little speech was sweet.

I laugh and ignore his question.

"Bravo. I think I've heard enough. Christi!" I shout to my sister who was a little ways away.

"Yes brother?" He asks coming closer.

"Leave us. Hunter can protect me for now." I say dismissing her.

She noddes and heads of to do Christi things.

"What does this mean for us?" Hunter questions.

"It means..." I cut myself off as I draw Hunter into a deep kiss.

He is surprise but pulls me against his toned chest to deepen the kiss. He obviously will not turn me down at this point so I pull away leaving him wanting.

"Go home for today, I will meet you in wolf form at the center of that forest." I say pointing to my left. " we will complete the mating ceremony at tonight's full moon."

He eagerly nods before surprising me by pulling me to him for another kiss. Looks like Lindon was wrong, he does have balls. I pull back and smack him. Hard. I can't let him get away with little things now, if I do the bigger things will be harder to teach. First I had to teach him to sit, then the rest would be easy.

"Listen here, I decide when and how far. Got it?" I growl.

He nods meekly while holding his burning cheek.

"Leave. I will see you at midnight." I order before sweeping away dramatically.

I head for the servants quarters. Now that the deal has been sealed I had to message my brother. I also had to get my hands on a  discreet way to kill said brother, and Arabella, and Maybel... and now Hunters father. When I'm done Lindon won't be there to do it for me.

The list was growing before my eyes.

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