Caleb and Dylan

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"God I can't wait until your old enough." Dylan, an older boy who claimed to be my mate, purred.

I was still two years away from knowing who my mate was for sure. All I knew is Dylan said I was his mate so it must be true. Currently he was laying across my bed starring directly at my crotch. I blushed and tried to subtly hide my body from his gaze.

"Umm... I don't know. Dylan do you mind leaving?" I blushed and rubbed the back of my warm neck.

"Why! You said I could stay close until your old enough." Dylan whined.

I fidgeted some more as he devoured me with his eyes.

"I-I know, but...your kind of makeing me uncomfortable." I wasn't ready to have sex yet.

Ever since I met Dylan he was nothing but sexual desire. Poking and prodding and roving eyes. Although it did get me a little excited I was mostly terifide and nervouse.

"Oh come on baby. I'm your mate you don't have to be uncomfortable. I love you no matter what. It's not my fault your sexy as hell." At this point he rose up from my bed and sauntered over to me. "I can't wait until you stick that big cock of yours into me. It's going to be so good."

He laid his head on my chest running his hand over my zipper. My cock twitched at Dylan's suggestiveness.  I gulped as he smirked up at me through his lashes.

"P-Please stop." I whimpered.

Dylan  rolled his eyes and pushed off of me. "You have to relax love. I'm your mate! We should be going at it like rabbits on your bed right now! God Caleb grow some balls. I'm tiered I'm going to bed." He turned away and flopped back down onto my bed.

"Umm... Dylan that's m-my bed." I stamered.

"Oh I know. I'm not leaving until you cave and fuck me." He announced.

I new my face was on fire now. How was I supposed to sleep while Dylan was trying to turn me on all night?


I was woken in the middle of the night by a writhing Dylan. His eyes were closed and he looked asleep but his body was all over me. It seemed his subconscious was trying to mate with me. He was pressed into my side dry humping me. His hands ran up and down my body. I heard him whimper when he couldn't get the contact he needed.

I sighed feeling bad. Why was I too chicken to mate with him? Sure it would be my first time but Dylan even said I shouldn't be nervouse. I frowned trying to think things through. It was hard to think about anything except how Dylan was humping me right now.

Slowly I nudged him awake. His eyes fluttered open. When he focused on me through his sleepy haze his blue eyes were filled with such love I made my decision.

"What's wrong baby?" He asked unaware of all the moving around he had been doing in his sleep.

"N-Nothing... I think I want to mate you." I confessed hesitantly.

He suddenly became wide awake right then.

"Really! Fuck yes." He squeeled. He had his cloths of in a flash.

He looked down at me still fully clothed and frowned.

"Come on big boy take it off." He purred sliding a hand into my pjs.

He slid my pants down slightly making my already hard self spring out. I bit my lip. Would I disappoint him?

"I don't think I can do this." I blurt out anxiously as he begins to strike me.

"Baby, everything will be ok. Lay back and let me enjoy." He smirks as he places a light kiss on the top of my cock.

Everything happens so fast after that. I watch wide eyed and extremely excited as he prepares himself for my member. I feel bad for just laying there but have no clue as to what I should be doing.

"Calm down Caleb. This is going to feel great just watch."

Dylan straddles me positioning my cock at his entrance and slowly sits. I grown at the contact as his walls squeeze my member. It feels amazing. I want to beg for him to do it again but before I can he's already lifting himself up and repeating the process.

After several turns of his agonizingly slow riding my wolf suddenly overtakes me. In a flash we are flipped and I'm seethed in between his legs thrusting in and out much more rapidly. My release comes upon me very quickly and I cum with a loud cry of pleasure.

"See? Good boy, I can't wait to do it again." He pants after catching his breath.

His cum is splattered across both our chest. I didn't even notice his orgasm too caught up in my own. I blush at the sight of cum on my chest and remove myself from him to dash into the bathroom.

"Caleb wait! Don't be like that it's natural." He shouts.

I ignore him in favor of cleaning myself up.

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