Leon and Ryan

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"Hey, baby," Leon whispered over the phone. Having to be quiet since he was in a tent with like twenty other warriors.

"Hey, Leon." I smiled, it had been a scary week with no contact with my mate. It had started to make me worry.

"It's so good to hear your voice right now Ryan. I can't tell you how much I've missed you this past week." He gushed.

God, I loved this man. "I know! Masturbating is just not the same. I couldn't even cum last night!"

I could practically see Leon's eye roll. "Is sex all you can think about?"

"Yes! I swear even if I have to sacrifice ten virgins to the moon goddess this pack is never going to war again. Daddy better start making more friends than enemies." I pouted.

"Well that would be a great idea for the future but for now I'm on the front lines so what are you going to do about it?" Leon purred.

It sent shivers down to my crotch. "Extremely steamy phone sex?"

I pictured him getting hard at my words. God, why can't Leon and his phat cock be here right now? Inside of me?

"Well now that you got me horny in a room with twenty other men listening in on our call you wouldn't want to disappoint them would you?" His voice has turned husky.

I giggled. "No baby I wouldn't."

I spread out on my queen size bed and waited for the show to begin. Bending my legs with my feet flat on the mattress to be in a better position to do as I was told.

"You in position babe?" Leons sexy as hell voice rang through the phone which I had leaning between my ear and shoulder to free up my hands.

"Yeah..." I replied breathily already excited by the anticipation.

"You sound so hot right now love. You're already half-hard and I haven't even told you to touch yourself yet." His voice took on a sterner edge. "You haven't touched yourself yet, have you?"

My body jerked slightly at his tone. My hands itching to touch but I controlled myself. "No mate. Only you can tell me how to touch myself. It doesn't feel as good when I do it on my own."

"Good boy. Let's start slow. I want you to take your first two fingers and suck on them for me. Make sure I can hear the sexy sound of you sucking." He commanded huskily in my ear.

The moan that escaped my lips at his word was muffled a bit when I placed my pointer and middle finger in my mouth. I began to suck on them loudly and moan imagining I was sucking on his fingers. I heard Leon's intake of breath and knew I was turning him on with my erotic sounds.

"Good love, very good. Well, have a good night babe I have to be up at five tomorrow so I'm heading to bed." He said sounding perfectly calm.

Then he hung up on me! That bastard left me hard as hell moaning on our bed surrounded by his scent! I swear to god I was going to kill him if the war didn't.


The next morning I walked out of my room to meet my parents for breakfast.  My father Alpha Hale Stevens and my mother Luna Hope Stevens were an average-looking couple. No one would think they were both greedy bastards who were willing to risk innocent lives to get what they wanted but here they were. My father could have stopped this latest conquest but no. Now my mate was on the front lines instead of finishing what he started with me last night!

"Morning mom, morning daddy!" I greeted brightly.

Daddy smiled at me as I pecked his cheek. He once told me I was his little Prince and he would give me the world and I believed him. That was until two weeks ago when I broke down sobbing begging daddy not to send my mate to war.

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