James and Cole

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I watched Cole as he sat perched on the couch. He was so beautifull. How was I so lucky?

"James, sit down with me for a minute." He said patting the seat directly beside him.

I frowned now concerned, his voice was shaky and he sounded scared.

"I have to tell you something before we do this. Something Connor doesn't even know the details of." He closed his eyes and took in a deep breath trying to calm himself.

"What is it baby? You know you can tell me anything." I assured him. I hoped he wasn't scared of what I would think. Nothing would change the way I felt about Cole.

"I think the only way I can move past what happened is if I let it all out. I won't tell you if it's too much to take but I really want you to be the one I confide in." He glanced nervously at me trying to gauge my reaction.

"Please, you can tell me anything." I took a hold of his hand rubbing circles into the back of it with my thumb.

He closed his eyes and took another deep breath in preparation for what he was about to tell me. When he opened his eyes again they were watery with unshed tears.

"I want to tell you what happened at
t-the, the w-whore house." He breathed out shakily.

My eyes widened in shock. He was going to entrust me with the details of the worst moment of his life? I could tell it took a tole on him to have to tell his mate about such a taboo. Most mates who find out there mate did not wait for them reject them. This was different though. I knew this and would never count it against Cole. I nodded and waited patiently for him to continue.

"I rarely ever left Connor's side. Not once had we been apart for such a long period of time, not until that day. It was horrible. First being separated from him so violently and then what came a-after." He choked on the last word the tears falling now.

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