Chapter 60

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Living with Daina and August has probably been the best decision I've made. I get to understand things better since Daina has threatened me a lot, but some good threats can take you far.

I've learnt to cope with my attention problem and stay away from drama. When Jezebel was my friend, she would usually drag me out of my apartment to go to the club while i was trying to find a school to go to.

But since i drop her, things have been going great for me. I stay in more, get more work done, be friendly and pleasant and all that.

When we came off the flight, Jezebel ask if i wanted to party with her. Thinking about what Daina had said, I told her no and she started throwing a tantrum at the airport, saying i took sides with Daina and im not the same anymore, im more uptight but what she said didnt matter to me.

Being in the house with my ex is really awkward but I try not to pay it any mind or get too close to him, literally, because im afraid of what Daina might do, besides, im seeing someone.

Yesterday when that Cassidy girl came, she seems cool until I saw her looking at August strangely. I went to the kitchen to fix something for all three of us and offered her. We laughed about the job I'm going for after school and other unnecessary stuff like food and party but what she said after, was a total game changer.

She said when she lost her baby, it wasn't because of stress, it was because her boyfriend wanted her to get rid of it and whenever Daina wanted to have a baby, it's not gonna be long before it dies.

I have no idea what she meant by that but when Daina came downstairs, she ask if I'm okay and I had to lie, to not look weird in front of Cassidy. Cassidy laughed and lied in Daina's face about how her and August were cute together when in reality, Cassidy don't want them to be together. When Daina had gave her condolences to Cassidy, she'd pretend to cry and stare at me. She just didn't seem right.

I got up and stared at the clock in front of me, seeing that it's 7:15 am and I have to finish the paper and send it in by 9. I only have 2 pages left to do out of 10.

I went to brush my teeth and wash my face. Then it came to me, how did i get in my room, so I figured it was August.

I jogged downstairs where my computer and phone was then began to work on my essay after getting some cereal to eat.

While typing the first paragraph and chewing on some cheerios, I decided to check my phone. Seeing I had nothing but missed calls from August and Daina yesterday and a text from my boyfriend and a number I was too familiar with.

678-271-1993- why are you ignoring me?
-Karr I don't understand what I've done wrong, I brought you to parties with me, free drinks and all. Why are you so inconsiderate. You wasn't like this. I bet it's that Diana bitch you couldn't stand in high school.

I sighed and decided to ignore her. But at one point my conscience was riding me so I just send a short text.

-✌have a nice life.

I sighed and sat my phone back on the table. I was so focused on the last page that I didn't realise August going in the kitchen. I look at the time and it was 8:50 am. I proofread the whole 10 pages before sending it in. I sighed and fell on the floor in relief.

"Why you sprawled out onna flo'? " He ask, tying his tie.

"I just sent in my essay I worked on for a week. Where's Daina?" I ask and close my eyes.

"Why's she on the floor?"

"Karr... "


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