Chapter 68

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Gala Part 2

Saturday April 23, 10:15 am

August had just woke up from an eight hour sleep. He sat up in his bed then made his way in the bathroom to brush his teeth. When he was done, he pick up his phone seeing he had no missed calls from Daina and sighed, then he called Bryson.


"Aye wassup man."

"Running some errands. What it do?"

"I was asking for a favor."

"Speak and it shall be given." he said and August laughed.

"Daina wanted to drive back from Miami to here 'cause she didn't want to take no uber. You think you could follow me up there?" August scratched his head.

"Yea fam. What time?"

"At around noon?"

"Issa done deal."

"Thanks man. I 'preciate it."

"Bet. See you then."

August nodded and hung up then went in his daughters room. They were talking amongst themselves which made August smile every time.

"Hey daddy's babies. How are you this morning?" he picked them up and they started talking.

"Really? Did you girls sleep well?"

"Ahh!" Alyssa replied.

"Ayah!" Aaliyah yelled and slapped Alyssa, silencing her.

"Aye! You better cut that out before you get popped." August said as he walk downstairs.

He saw Fabian in the couch feeding his baby. They greeted each other and August put the babies in their bassinet while he went to get a plush blanket from the closet.

August had decided that he wanted to do tummy time with them, to help them develop their neck muscles and also to play with them.

He laid the blanket in the center of the family room and went for Aaliyah and Alyssa, laying them on their stomach.

"Come on y'all. So what i want'chu to do, is lift your head for daddy." he said as he kneeled infront of them with his phone in his hand.

They squirm in their spot but they couldn't lift their head.

"Come on baby." he said. When he realise they weren't budging, he decided to do something else.

August went in the kitchen for their milk and sat it i front of them.

"Thats more like it." Fabian laughed.

"Alright. Different method, whoever raise up first, gets breakfast first." August said.

When they saw the milk, they started making noise.

"Alright liyah. You got this baby." he clapped as Aaliyah attempy to lift her head.

"Yes Lyssa come on, come on.... Yaayy." he clapped and turned his phone off then lifted Alyssa off the ground.

"Man thats foul." Fabian said as he took up Aaliyah.

"It's called competition bruh." August said and got up when he heard the doorbell.

While walking to the door, he fed Alyssa.

"Hey whats up?" he said when he open the door to Matt, his neighbour.

"I'm just checking if everythings cool. I heard there was a gang fight at the park."

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