Chapter 70

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"Your gonna do fine babe. I trust you will." August said, encouraging his fiancé. "And stop worrying about Pascal."

Pascal had died last night which was a terrible mistake. When the garbage men arrived, Daina opened the door to bring out the rest of the trash with August and he ran out. He got hit by an incoming car. Daina was shocked and devastated and so was the driver due to him not seeing Pascal.

She nodded her head and breathe out. "Alright. Thanks." she smiled and peck his lips. "I'm gonna leave now."

August held onto her waist and brought her closer to him. "What'chu want for dinner?"

"I-oh I'm coming in late tonight." she bit her lips.

"What? How comes you never told me." he rose his brows.

"Babe i forgot I'm sorry." she hugged him and started pouted.

"It's fine. What would you like for dinner?"



She laughed. "I'm thinking abouuttt. Steak and rice."

"So what'chu want for dinner?" he ask again and she laughed, knowing August can't cook steak.

"How about stewed chicken and rice?"

"I think i can do that."

"Ooh and can i get cookies too?"

"Anything for you."

"Oh oh and w-"

"Your pushing it." he squeezed her waist.

"Alright alright. I'm going now."

"I'll see you later then." he said and kissed her lips. He watched her as she got into his car and made her way down the street.

August knew better than to ask her why she was gonna come home late. He trust her so much that he didn't have to worry about anything she was doing because she had her head on her shoulders. All he knew was that she had a speech to give, then go to work and that was it.

He went inside to see if Aaliyah and Alyssa was awake but they weren't.

Daina made her way to Elmur high and arrive twenty five minutes later. She got out of the car and grabbed her Gucci purse. She locked the car which took her a long ass time due to the lock being stuck and car being old. As soon as she entered and step at the office door, Nola walked in.

"Hey." they greeted each other.

"You look good." Nola said.

"I try."

"You just came?" Nola ask as she handed Daina her pass.


"Ladies. Welcome to Elmur High. Im principal Mclean." A tall man that look to be in his 40's said as he walked up to Daina and Nola. He was dark in complexion with hazel eyes and shaved head.

"Hi. Im Daina Taylor." she held out her hand and he shook it. "And this is Nola Perez, my co-worker." she introduced them and they exchange hand shakes.

"Nice to finally meet you beautiful ladies. The students are in the auditorium already. You ladies are on in two minutes." he said and they nodded and follow behind him.

"Are you going first or you want me to?" Nola ask while fixing her wrist watch.

"You can go first then me since I'm informing them about success and your telling them about working." Daina said.

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