Chapter 17

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It was 10:36 am. I told Deanna everything that had happened yesterday. Today with no school, I had no idea of what my day was gonna be like. I checked my phone and had 4 messages and 2 DM and read my messages first.

Bae💕- hey I'm gonna hang out at the trap today. 6:39 am
-breakfast is on the table. I got you your favorite. 7:50 am
-I came back to the house like twice this morning and you still ain't wake up yet.. 8:52 am
-Like wth Daina. 8:53 am

Me- I just woke up, whats yo problem. Chill out and thanks.


Daniel🎼- hey you wanna hang out today? Since it's no school? 9:30 am

Me- gotta check my schedule first. 10:41 am


Nate- wassup girl?  Watcho fine ass doing? 8:52 am

Me- laying in bed punk. 10:43 am

Nate- I see you, but anyways girl, my boyfriend's business starts on Thursday morning at 9. I had already text Dee and she said she could assist along with Daniels  you think you could be the makeup artist? 10:45 am

Me- yea sure. I didn't know you knew Daniel? 10:46 am.

Nate- yea we go way back, he's one of our male model. 10:47 am

Me- cool, I'll see ya then. 10:47 am


Anna 💑- hey sis, I'm downstairs in the pool, come down. 10:30.

After I read the texts, I sat up and read my DM.

Mon_ica5- hey sorry to be texting you repeatedly. I'm off work and was wondering if you had time today? (Today @ 9:05 am)

Me- yea sure. I ain't doing anything. You want me to send my address or anything.

Mon_ica5- sure.

Me- 15 Westbrook avenue, pembrook hall, 45 GA. And bring your bathing suit with ya.

Mon_ica5- oh you live in my community, I'll be there shortly and cool.

Me- okay. See ya.

I ain't gon lie, I was so excited to see her. I got up and tidy my room which took me 10 minutes. I caught my hair in a high bun and went to do my hygiene. I got dressed in a mint green one piece bath suit that had my belly ring and my sides showing.

The door bell rang and I jogged downstairs. I saw breakfast on the table which was fried rice, sweet and sour chicken and stir fried vegetables and another box with the same thing except it has fried chicken. I guess August read my text and knew I had company. AGAIN! There was also a large bottle of Coca-Cola and a box of chocolate cookies. I open the door and there stood a beautiful girl. She was dark in color, had bright green eyes, straight hair and her lips were plum like. She was extremely beautiful.

She had on a white two piece bath suit and a shorts to cover her underwear. Her hair was in a bun and she was naturally beautiful.

"Hey." She said with a smile.

"Hi." I said returned one. "Come in." I told her. She entered and we went upstairs.

"Aren't we supposed to go to the pool?"

"Yea but Ima make you put your bag down then we go down. Ion want you to leave your bag downstairs and then when my boyfriend comes back, he thinks I'm with a guy. I know how the nigga is." I explained.

"I understand." She said.

I brought her up to my room so she could put her bags downs then went upstairs.

"Oh my, is this for real?" She ask.

"Which do you prefer, the slide, or the elevator." I said in excitement.

"Uhmmmmmmmmmmm the slide, it looks fun."

"Okay let's go." We went down the slide and laughed at the end of it. We came off and saw deanna and Xavier kissing in the pool.

"Wassup thots." I said. They slowly pulled away from the kiss and smiled at us.

"Whose this." Deanna said.

"Okay Deanna, Xavier, this is Monica. Monica this is Deanna, my sister and Xavier, my future brother in law." I said introducing them.

After we came out the pool, it was 2:00 pm. We had already ate at 12. Monica and I were sitting on the swing while Deanna was teaching Xavier how to swim.

"So tell me about yourself." I said to Monica, scrolling through my instagram.

"I'm 17, I currently live with my mom. My uh father died so I work at bath and body works to help maintain my mom. Her brother died couple weeks ago and she broke down, started drinking and shit. But I have to help her." She said and began to cry.

"It's okay Mon, you'll be okay." I said, rubbing her back. She picked herself up and continued.

"Uh I go to Humane High school, it's actually a school of arts but for people who can hardly fend for themselves. I have a boyfriend, his name is daniel-" she said until I cut her off.

"Wait Daniel Crawford?" I ask.


"Oh I know him he's in my Biology class."

"Oh well that's good." We talked some more and I was like damn, she's going through a ruff time.

"So why did you decide to DM me?"

"It's complicated, I have no friends. I have one but she only message me when she needs money and I text you because I see how outgoing you are and I admire you and your makeup. That's the truth."

"I understand. So how's you and Daniel?"

"We're good, I mean, he's been looking elsewhere like I'm not good enough." She said softly.

"What'd mean?" I ask with a concerned look on my face.

"I mean, he hardly text me like we use to when we first met, he act like he's happy with me when he's around his friends and..... I think he, won't appreciate the fact that I'm pregnant." She said. My heart skipped a beat when she said that.

"Moni-" I started to say until I got a phone call from August.

"Hey babe." I spoke into the phone.

"Where you at? I've been greeted by a silent house."

"I'm around the pool." I told him.

"Aite." He said.

I looked at Monica she look like she was about to bawl her eyes out. I went to sit beside her and she rest her head on my shoulder.

"Mon you gotta stop crying, my boyfriend's coming and I think the guys are with him. I don't want them to see you cry, especially Tyga, he's kind of a cryer himself. If he looks in your eyes when you cry, he start crying like a baby." I said making her laugh. I wiped her tears and went to sit at the edge of the pool with our feet in the water.

"Thank you Daina."

"For what, I didn't do anything." I laughed slightly.

"For being here."

"Monica is it cool if we talk about, you know, you being pregnant, later?" I ask.

"Yea sure." She said with a smile.

After we were done talking, August came off the elevator. Following with Chris, Nate, Daniel and some other guy and a white girl. Tyga had to come down the slide with his childish ass.

"Lord of all the girls in the world, it had to be a white girl. Please don't make there be any drama up in this bitch." I silently prayed a prayer and Monica busted out laughing.

"Girl you ain't know how to whisper? Like damn." Monica laughed.

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