Chapter 45

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Part 2


August haven't showed up and I was pretty happy about that. I still love him and would take him back any day but not now. I thought about what Deanna said at the prison and she was right, we needed space and time apart.

Now that I have this home, a job and a car, I can finally say I'm complete when I'm finished with school.

"Daina let's go." Deanna said. I snapped out of daydreaming and went in Tav's car.

Before I knew it, we were at the cemetery. I knew exactly why we were here but I didn't complain.

When we got out Javaris held my hand and walked us over to D'naya's tombstone.

I stared at it as tears flowed down my face. He pulled me in a tight hug that is much needed at this moment.

D'naya was our sister. The three of us bond very well, did everything together that sisters did and talk about everything. But all that changed when she wanted to go to the skating rink. We couldn't go with her because we didn't want to go. She forced Javaris to accompany her and he couldn't say no because he liked her.

When they were finally there, he went to get their skates and when he turned around, she wasn't there.

We searched days and days until we found her. Her body wrapped up in a cloth in the bushes on the other side of town, she was raped and stabbed.

Turns out she stole money from some guys to help our parents with food and stuff. I blamed my father because he never wanted our mother to work.

It scared Anna and I up to this day. Javaris felt terrible and I wasn't sorry for him at that time. He hadn't eat, he got skinny, his grades began to fall and his parents got worried.

Tavaris always bring us here on our birthday for couple minutes. I never complained with him.

"Come on." Javaris whispered​.

As we reach the car, Tavaris and Deanna was leaning against the car talking. We all got in and the ride was silent. We went to zaxby to get something to eat as the ride to the concert was a long one.

We ate and held conversations about small things until I realized something.

"Fuck." I mumbled aloud.

"What?" Deanna ask with her mouth full.

"I haven't thought of a song."

"I have though, I knew you wouldn't remember." Javaris said.

"Really, thank you." I sighed in relief.

"Your welcome, your gonna love it."

"I hope I don't have to compromise."

I looked over at him and he constantly rose his eye brows with a sly smile.

"Boy getcho... Stop playing." I laughed at him.

We finished our food and found a parking space, the whole street was filled with paparazzi, fans and reporters.

"Wait I thought this was a fest." I stopped as Tavaris locked the doors.

"It is, we just didn't tell you." He smiled. "Put your jacket on and let's go."

I kissed my teeth and did what he said, flipping my ponytail from out the jacket.

I held my purse close to me and walk between them. The boys sheltered us from paparazzi that was trying to push and reporters​ that was trying to ask questions.

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