Chapter 62

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"Im pulling up now. Where you at?" Monica spoke on the phone.

"Im at the food court." I said and sipped my smoothe. She replied with an okay and hung up. I had just took some pictures with supporters and spoke to them. I sat in the food court sipping my smoothe and scrolled through my phone, waiting on August to reply.

It's now january, and I'm 7 months pregnant. Alot has happen in this time. Some im grateful for and the rest, i cant complain.

Grateful because in December, August and Xavier did the most amazing and unexpected thing yet. They both propose to Deanna and I at the beach in a gazebo. It was beautiful with silver and gold decorations and camera men. All our friends and family was there and Armani, Chris and our mom was on video call to see the whole thing.

On my birthday, he pampered me all day then brought me to a fancy restaurant. I truly appreciated it.

But 4 days after my birthday, he had to work which i didnt have any problem with. But what i did have a problem with, is that i cooked small for christmas just for the both of us but he came home late. And eversince until now, he's been coming home at 12 in the morning or late in the evening. I'd ask him where he was and he'd just say work. We haven't been communicating alot lately because of his work so i try my best to do that.

Xavier's been looking out for me the way August should which i appreciated. He'd come over sometimes and talk to me when I'm bored- because i got maternal leave from work- and bring food with him before he goes off to work.

Right now i was waiting on August to help shop for the rest of the babies stuff but its been an hour and i haven't heard from him, so i called Monica.

So far, I've bought clothes, bottles and other stuff and now we're shopping for the larger stuff.

"The pink or black?" Monica ask, pointing at two car seats.

"I rather the pink. Its cute." I ran my hands over the car seat.

We cashed that out as well as bouncy seats and play mats.

"What else am i gonna need?" i ask her as we made our way into carters.

"You bought a crib already?"

"Shit... No."

"How comes?" She gasp.

"I guess it slipped my mind to get it after the guy's were through with painting the room."

"I cant believe August."

"Yeah." I mumbled.

"Alright. Do you prefer the front double stroller or the ones together?"

"The ones together... I like this black one." I pointed.

"Okay lets get it." She called a guy over. "Oh look at this crib set. It has the Crib, the changer, rocking chair and dresser. Cute."

"I love the pink."

"Okay we're gettin it. God im so excited." She squealed.

"Lets get this pink one and the cream one."

"Yea, oh. You could put the pink one in the cream room-"

"And the cream in the pink room." i said and we both laugh.

After we picked out everything we need, August haven't called or text. We went up to the cashier and rung up the items, which cost $3826.38 and consist of delivery fee.

I took my card out and gave it to the cashier.

"You wanna start putting stuff together today?"

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