Chapter 72

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August Birthday P2

Meanwhile, Deanna and Xavier was on the couch playing video games.

"I wanna play this one." Anna said from the couch as she picked a game. She was wearing a sports bra and some little shorts. Her little baby bump was showing.

"Anything you want babe." Xavier said from the kitchen.

"Can you get me a snack?" she ask while the game load.

"Didn't you just have two?" he ask.

"Babe that was ten minutes ago." she said and he laughed

Xavier got Anna her snack and went to sit beside her.


"What game is this?"

"Uhm Dead trigger. The extended version." she said and ate her snack.

They began playing the game until a knock sounded at the door.

"You expecting someome?" Anna ask as they both mept their focus on the screen.

"No you?"

Deanna paused the game. "I was expecting Mel last week. Nobody said they were coming." she said.

"Aite. Go put some clothes on." he said and got up to answer the door while she went upstairs.

He walked to the door and swung it open. Xavier was more than surprised when he saw August and Daina with the babies, knowing that he was in bed with Deanna when Daina told her they weren't coming.

"Wassup man." he semi-yelled in excitement while dapping August.

"I'm chilling." August grinned.

"Wassup sis." he hugged Daina.

"Hey ugly." she smiled and pulled away then he took Alyssa from August.

"I see my lil mama's growing. Damn."

He stepped aside and they enetered the house, walking in the living room.

"Where's Anna?" Daina ask.

"She upstairs.." he said. "Bae!!!" he yelled.

"Im coming!!!" she yelled back.

"Xavier can I borrow your car?"

"You know you ain't gotta ask." he kept his attention on Alyssa.

"Now watch if i take your keys up and walk through the door without asking, look how fast you ready to jump me." she said and they laughed.

"Where baby Lyric at?" August ask.

"She with my mom for the day."

"Babe who wa-" Anna said as she stopped at the end of the stairs. She wore one of Xaviers shirt that he didn't wear since it was too big for him.

"Hey boo." Daina waved knowingly.

"Hi." she walked over to them and sit on the couch next to Xavier. "You told me you wasn't coming."

"I lied. I lied." Daina sang and they laughed.

"How was your birthday so far August?" Deanna ask, taking Alyssa from Xavier.

"Man." he grinned and throw his head back as Xavier gave him a knowing look and Daina smiled.

"I know that face." Deanna cheesed.

"I got a nice breakfast.. In bed. Gifts, mind bl-"

"What'chu get?" Xavier ask.

"I got these that i have on now, uh a Cartier 8 ct ring, a trip to Atlanta and a Wraith."

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