Chapter 25

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It was 7:57 am. School starts in a couple days, but besides from that, I feel so happy because I get to work, doing something I love dearly. Today was the day I start working with Nate and his boyfriend. I'm so excited about it. I got up and did my daily routine and my hygiene. I-

"Dai you have any pink top." Deanna bust through my door.

"Anna you ain't gotta worry about wearing nothing perfect, just put on an ordinary top and a pair of jeans. Remember they're gonna put you in different outfits. You'll probably go naked."

"Naked? Nobody said anything about naked." She said in a nervous tone.

"Relax just put on something casual and get your makeup done so I don't have to do it." I told her. She closed the door and head back to her room.

I removed the towel from around my body a threw on a black bra and underwear. I went to my closet and moisturize my body with some coco butter cream and pick out an outfit. August came through the door and sat on my bed.

He was wearing a pair of white jeans, a black and white Jordans and a black and white shirt. He was also wearing his gold accessories and Rolex with a black snapback. He look sexy as ever.

"Baybeh why aren't you ready?" He ask, adjusting his watch.

"I'm looking for something to wear." I told him. "Besides, it's 8:21 am and we're suppose to be there by 9."

"Well whateva. I still don't understand why he chose you to do makeup, why couldn't he chose somebody much older?" He questioned

"Because, the business is just starting and because he knows me and know that I can do makeup, he chose me. The younger the fresher right?" I told him as I came from my closet with the outfit and laid them across the bed.

"Why'd you got bows on ya panty?"

"Cause my ass is a present." I said, standing in front the full body mirror to look at myself.

"My present huh?!" He chuckled. I rolled my eyes.

I had marks all over my hips, it was not cute, although I was gaining weight.

"What's wrong witchu?"

"N-nothing." I walk back over the bed.

"Don't tell me shit. Come hea'." He drew me to the mirror and stood behind me. He rest his hands on my shoulders, staring at me through the glass.

"Baybeh it's obvious ya ain't like tha' way ya look. I'm ya boyfriend. I love the way ya hips look. These marks hea', shows that ya ass growing boo. It ain't matter who ain't like em, cause im sure as fuck love em marks. It's cute." He said as he place his hands on my hips. Tears start rolling down my eyes as I wipe them away.

"Rememba' when ya first came hea'?" I nodded. "Baybeh yo ass was as flat as my damn T.V. screen. This is a sign that ya growing baybeh. Don't be ashamed to show yo body, own up to it. Its yours, as well as mine. I love your body and I love you, cuz aint nobody gon touch it. Na' hurry that fat ass up and get ready." He said, smacking my ass, making me smile.

"Ouch! Thank you." I told him. I turned my body, facing him and rest my hands on his chest. He snaked his hands around my waist and drew me closer as I look deep in his eyes. "I love you too." I reached up on my toes and kissed him then peck his lips.

I went back over to my bed and pulled on the denim ripped skinny jeans that took forever to put on.

"Ya see, that's a sign that ya ass gettin' thick." He said, standing in the mirror fixing his snapback. I giggled at his comment and continue to get dress.

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