Chapter 8

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When we finish, the cafeteria got wild. I was so surprised cause I was expecting clapping.

"Calm down ladies and gentle thots." August said making everyone laugh. "We will now have the judges tell their scores. Judges?"

"It's a 10 from The Weekend, 10 from Bruno Mars and 10 from Nicki Minaj. Now for the official winners. Ariana?". He said.

And the crowd went wild once more.

"Okay calm down, now for the winners." Ariana said making everyone go silent while the contestants gathered on the stage behind her.

5th place we have, Tamara
4th place, Ostin and Zara
3rd place, Joel, Zimmi and Leo
2nd place......"

"See ya in first place Daina." Karruche smirked.

"2nd place, Karrueche and Jezebel." She continued. Before she stated first place, everyone screamed."

"1st place, Armani, Daina and Deanna.. Congratulations guys that was an exceptional piece." She smiled.


It was 5:35 pm and we were ready. We collected our awards and exited.

"Hey Daina." Karruche called.

"Hey wassup." I turned towards her.

"I just wanted to say congrats. And I shouldn't have behave the way I did back there."

"It's cool. Mistakes were to be made." I walked away from her and went into the car with August.


"Guys you wanna order some food and invite some friends over?" August ask.

"Sure." I said.

We sat in the couch watching love and hip hop Atlanta. August wrapped his arms around me and I laid on his chest with my legs on his thigh. Deanna and Xavier was cuddled up and Armani was just there sitting on her phone.

The doorbell rang and August got up. In walked three guys but the only ones I knew were Chris and Tyga.

"Guys this is Chris, Tyga and Nate." August introduced us and Armani got up hugging Chris. They shared and kiss and everyone plopped down on the couch.

"So August I seen you find a good looking one. Unlike that kucumber chick that had all ha' tracks showin' like she was setting up for the damn bullet train." Nate said causing everyone to laugh.

"Damn dude, you got no chill bruh." August chuckled.

"Yaz acting like I'm lying, like I don't beat around the damn bush to tell y'all what's on my mind. Lemme tell y'all wass-" Nate began to speak as the doorbell rang, cutting him off. August went to get it.

"I'm getting myself a bottle of water. Y'all know those thirsty hoes? Ya that's me!" He got up and walk into the kitchen and everyone started laughing.

"Nate why are you so funny?!" I laugh.

"Nigga bouta lemma throat hurt!" Armani laughed.

At the same time, Karruche walked in, plopping down across from us. Nate walked in and pause when he saw her.

"What's this?" He ask.

"Hi Nate." Karrueche said giving him a small smile.

"No! She gots to go!" Nate walked over and sat beside me, drinking the water.

The doorbell rang again as August was about to sit. He went back and brought in five boxes of pizza, 5 box of chinese, 3 chocolate cheese cake and three bottles of large coke.

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