Chapter 22

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Daina walk up the stairwell slowly and tiredly until she heard August voice. She wasn't in the mood to talk to him knowing he almost let her sister died and she was even too tired.

"Babe, bae, ya gon answer me?" He called at the bottom of the stairs.

"Daina." He said sternly and she turned around.

"What august?" Daina said with a attitude.

"My brother wants to meet you." He sadly said.


"Can you be ready by 5? It's kind of a party." He ask.

Without any emotions, she continue to walk upstairs to her room to check on her sister. Deanna was sleeping peacefully with one leg hanging from the bed and the sheet covering half her body.

Daina smiled to herself and closed the door, walking to her room.

She got out of her clothes and threw herself on her bed falling asleep at the same time.

2 hours later

Daina got up feeling refreshed only to see Deanna sitting on her bed.

"What are you doing." Daina ask laying on her back.

"Oh I didn't want to stay in my room alone so I came over here couple minutes ago." She said smiling.

"Uhm okay." Daina got off the bed and went over to her full body mirror looking at herself in her bra and panties. She sighed at the sight and walk away.

"Where'd you go this morning?"

"I uh went with Monica to uhm​.. uh hang out ya know." Daina told her and she laughed.

"Okay." Deanna said dumbly.

"So it's been two weeks here, watchu think?" Daina ask going through her closet.

"I love it here so far but when you and August are at it, please tell him not to talk to me."

"Whatchu mean?" Daina laughed.

"I don't like talking to August, I can't understand when he speaks, like he doesn't form his words properly, he's always saying 'my lah' baybeh', what the fuck does that even mean." Deanna semi yelled in frustration making Daina busted out laughing.

"Babe it's his accent, I think it's kinda sexy."

"Well I hope it doesn't limit yo vocabulary." Deanna mumbled.

"What was that?"

"I love you."


"Where ya going with that outfit?" Deanna ask in shock.

"August wants me to meet his brother, for some stupid reason."

"Oh yeah, he said I must get ready at what 5? And it's now.." Deanna checked her phone. "Girl it's 4:30."

"So, August can wait."

"I'm gonna get ready doe, what's the colour?"

"Red and white, curly hair, let's match instead, same everything."

"Aite see ya."

After Deanna left, Daina went to he bathroom and did her hygiene. She decided she wanted to surprise August but he ain't gettin' none. Possibly, maybe.

She drew on her nude lace Victoria Secret bra set and moisturized her legs with some summer set lotion. She drew on her plain white high waisted skinny jeans with a red sparkle tank top with her belly showing, a red bomber jacket and a simple red push heels. She grabbed her biggest gun and push it in the back of her jeans.

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