Chapter 1

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"Deanna, Deanna." I whispered shaking her softly and fixing my glasses.

"No No, I don't wanna go with you!" She started crying in her sleep.

She finally woke up and I covered her mouth. Deanna was filled with sweat. Eversince our father lost his job, he found a way to relieve his stress by abusing us. Our mother never seem to do anything about it because she herself was getting the same treatment. She usually drown herself in overproof rum or vodka. I don't understand how she can't find food for us but can afford liquor.

She usually work at Mac cosmetics before she had us but after she got pregnant, they released her and said she can come back when we're a little older.

She never went back.

"Another dream?" I whispered.

She brought her knees up to her chest and started crying softly. "Ye-Yes. I'm sorry"

"It's okay you ain't gotta say sorry, you'll be okay. I'm never gonna let him hurt you again, and that's a promise okay?" I said trying to comfort her.

"Okay." She said.

"Now go back to sleep, it's gonna be our first day of school and we need some rest." I told her.

8:00 am

I got up and yawned, seeing that Deanna wasn't there. It's very unlike her to get up and not wake me. I pulled the sheets off me and got out our room. I searched the half done bathroom that was made up of rocks and she wasn't their. I heard moaning and crying coming from my father's room and slowing walk up to the door. I turned the knob slightly so he couldn't hear when it was being opened.

My eyes caught water when I saw what he was doing, he was only used to beating us but not molesting us. I wasn't gonna let what happen to me, happen to her.

I left the door in its position and went in the kitchen. I heated the butcher's knife my mother used to cut meat and tip toed back to his room walking in silently. Deanna was looking at me crying, then she glanced over to our mothers unconscious body.

A tear fell from my eyes as I held the knife up and walk over to the bed, stabbing my perverted father in his back more than once. He shouted in anger and I stepped back. He limped towards me and I darted the knife in his stomach as he fell to the floor. My sister screamed, covering her mouth.

I went over to him, laying on the floor in the pool of blood. Deanna was trying to revive our mother from her unconsciousness. I shook him with my feet and he didn't move.

8:45 am

The police came and I explained myself to them.

"Deanna let's get ready for school." I said as the ambulance took my father away.

After Deanna was finish using the bathroom, I went in and did my hygiene. I got out and got dressed in an acid washed skinny jeans, a light blue t-shirt that said baby and I pulled on a black converse. Deanna had on a blue skinny jeans with black v-neck top and a black converse like mines. I did my hair in a messy bun and Deanna did the same with parts of the front out.

We never have any money to buy new clothes like everyone did. So we had to mix and match, and sometimes share the same outfits.

We grabbed our bags and head out to the kitchen, where there was only an apple and a box juice. Sometimes our mother would make breakfast for us but she went to sort out and explain things to the police.

I cut the apple in half and gave my sister the other half. I took the box juice and put it in my bag and we head out.

We live in a small cottage that's made up of wood. It only have two bedroom, a bathroom made up of rocks and a dirty toilet that I had to clean every week, a kitchen and a small family room.

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