Chapter 40

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Shout out to @ohhsoobeautiful2 thanks.

Have you heard August's song? Don't Matter? No? Okay

It is lit. Like his Tour's gonna be in New York, all over.. I wish I could go.

But anyways..


When August say he's been having withdrawals.

Me: "It don't matter to me, it don't matter."

Alright here.


"Babe where you going?" I said as I walk down the stairs to get to August who was in the kitchen.

"I-I uhm." He managed to say.

"Please don't lie to me. Just tell me." I rest my hands on his laps.

It was the afternoon and if he left, I would be here all alone with nobody to talk to.

He sighed. "I'm goin' by Cassidy's."

"Why." I ask as I fold my arms over my chest.

"Because she's carryin' my baybeh and I can't just leave her. I mean, I care about the baybeh but not her like that.

I sighed hard before dropping my hands to my side. "Fine but who is gonna be here with me?"

"Baybeh you can go hang with that Huntin' guy."

"It's Hunter babe." I laugh. "And he's at work."

"The fuck people doin' at work. It's Saturday. But anyways, how 'bout Monica, Armani, uuhhmm those people."

"They're busy."

"Well I'a be back. Thea's no promised time but I'a be back, just find somethin' ta do." He dug in his pocket and pulled out some cash. "Go shoppin' wit somebody, but do somethin'."

"Fine." I took the money from him even though I didn't need it.

We stood at the door and he kissed my cheek, walking up to his car. I frowned at him as I closed the door and went over to the sofa to sit. August has been acting weird since we came home last night and talking about Cassidy. Some people would wonder why a guy's girlfriend would talk about his sidechick; I did it because I wanted to know what was up. Even though he didn't mention anything that would upset me or anything important, I still trust him. Call me a dumb bitch but I'd ride for him, cause that's what a real one do.

"Hey Jav, whats up?"

"I'm here at the studio fixing up some stuff for Abel. Wazzam witchu?"

"I uhm, I was wondering if you'd want me to hang out with you?"

"Alright sure, I'll send you the addr-"

"Wait, I don't have a ride."

"Aite uh........ Send me the address and be ready by the time I blow. Abel will be here in half an hour."

"Okay thanks."

"No prob tinker." He laughed.

"Oh ma gawd Javaris Hunter. I hate that name and you know it." I laughed.

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