Chapter 54

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When I got up, August was nowhere in the room. I stretched my hand over to the nightstand for my phone to look at the time which reads 8:34am. I sighed to myself, remembering what happen last night, that i had cried myself to sleep.

A knock sounded at the door and i lazily got up to answer it.

"Why aren't you dressed?" Anna ask, barging in the room.

"I'm not in the mood to go nowhere." I spoke softly and went to lay back down.

"What's wrong?" She turned all her attention to me.

I took a minute to gather my words.

"August found out that I took the pills. He was trying to get me pregnant."

"Okay?... So?"

"Anna he ask about the scar."

"Ohhh." Her mouth formed an O shape." Daina I think you really need to tell him why that scar is there. Xavier ask what happen to my wrist and I had to tell him. Even though I cried while explaining to him what dad did to us, he comforted me. He understand."

"But what if he breaks up with me Deanna? I basically lied to him about my virginity." I spoke with tears running down my face.

"Daina he'll understand. August maybe stupid sometimes but he's very understanding." She rubbed my back.

"How you know that?" I sniffled.

"Because," She laughed. "He ask me what we did for our birthday and what happen, and he sat down in my living room for 3 hours, thinking about the mistakes he made. He talk to me about it and that shows me that he can understand."


"You think you wanna get ready now? Because everyone is in the lobby waiting for you. At least pretend you wanna go out."

"Fine. Thank you." I smiled at her.

She laid back in the bed and I got up to do my hygiene. I drew on a pink tracksuit and my white Nike, since I'd be going out later I didn't need to dress up, caught my hair in messy bun and put on my glasses. I applied some lipgloss and body spray then grabbed some cash and my phone.

"Ready?" She ask, looking up from her phone.

"Yea." I took up the key and went through the door, locking it behind me.

We made conversation while going into the elevator. After seconds of it dinging, we got off and everyone was in the lobby talking to each other.

August was engrossed in his phone the whole time.

"Look whose finally up!" Chris said making everyone look at me. I rolled my eyes and waved to them as he and Armani came to hug me. "Wassup shorty?"

"Hey. When did you arrive?" I ask and fixed my top.

"Last night." He smiled. "Alright people. Let's roll out." He clapped his hands and we made our way out the lobby.

Everyone was walking with somebody except for me who was just taking in the scenery.

It was Chris and Armani, Anna and Xavier, Zimmie, Tamara and Ostin, Karreuche and surprisingly Jezebel but they weren't talking and Zara and Leo. August was at the extreme front busying himself on his phone while I was at the back.

I stuff my hands in my pocket and continued walking.

"We're going to The View to eat breakfast then LaLine to shop." Leo shouted so everyone could hear.

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