Chapter 26

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So before I get started, I've been asking readers to comment and what not, but nobody did. Sooooooo. Shout out to FrancesDiaz7 for giving her feedback. Wassup homie? Lmao Anyways, thank you.

Deanna and Daina in tha mm

I will put all the characters in a different part. Late but its worth it. Stay tuned.


4 hours later

"And that's a wrap. Thank you guys so much, I appreciate it. See you guys on Saturday. But this time it's just a couple hours, nothing long." Clinton explained, looking at his clipboard.

"Uhm, if y'all wanna see the pictures y'all can come now." Tavaris said. Deanna and karrueche walk over to him while he showed them the pictures. I sat at my corner and cleaned all the makeup stuff I used while watching the baby. A job well do-

"No, I don't like it. Clinton, I want a redo!!!" Karrueche shouted.

"Thanks Daina, see you later." I nodded with a smile as the girls passed and exited the room. I put up all the brushes and walk over to them.

"What's the matter here?"

"I dunno what's wrong with her. I-I took the pictures perfectly and she wanna say that my work isn't good." He said calmly.

"Can I see them." I ask. He hand the camera over to me and I skip through them. "Hunter where's the one she didn't like?" I ask.

"Its right there, your looking at it." I look back down on the photo and it look perfectly fine.

"Really. Your a waste of time." I looked at her and handed back the camera to him and start to pack up. I walk back over to my area and grabbed my bag, waiting on Deanna. I took a seat and watch the baby while I'm on my phone. I went on instagram and my mind was blown.

I had 237 Dm, 3918 likes and 1.3k followers. It aint even funny. 237 Dm? It's insane. I look back at the picture and there was 300+ comments.

"Wow." I muttered. I went on Twitter and it was the same thing.

@worldstar August Alsina and his mystery lady. Are they officially a couple now?

@theshadesroom looks like August Alsina caught a beauty this time around.

Lord. I thought to myself.

"I'm ready." Deanna said, wrapping her hair up.

"Okay I-"

"Hey thanks for watching her. Uhm, you want a ride home?" Tavaris ask. "Hi Annapolis." He smiled.

"Tav I hate that name and you know it. It's nice to see you again." She whined, engulfing him in a hug.

"I-I was about to call my drive-"

"Kitten come on." He whined.

"I thought your car broke down."

"My friend was fixing it. It should be done by now." He checked his watch.

"You always get what you want don't it?" I ask.

"Ever since I was a baby." Hunter said and Deanna mouthed, rolling her eyes after wards.

"Whatever." I smiled.

We grabbed our stuff and went out to his car. He put the baby in while he fixed his equipment in the back and I strapped in the car seat with her in it. Deanna got in the back with the baby and I got in the passengers seat.

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