Chapter 19

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We were stuck in traffic bumping Often by The Weeknd.

"Where you guys wanna go?" I ask.

"Daina, you mean to tell me, you drag my sadistic ass out the house and you ain't know where you going?"

"I know where I'm going, just tell me where you guys wanna go."

"I wanna go to the movies then." Armani said.

"How about the Funtherium?" Monica suggested.

"It's now 4:45 pm, so we'll go to the movies then the Funtherium."

The traffic began to clear up and we were at the movies in no time. We got out the car and went up to the theatre. They didn't know what to pick so I chose Annabelle.


"That was awesome!" I shouted.

"Are you crazy? The lady literally threw the baby, thinking it was the damn demons." Armani said in terror.

"Never again your picking another movie Daina." Monica said softly.

"Monica you good?" I laughed.

"Does it look like I'm good? Lord I have to go to church Sunday." She said and we all laugh.

We went to the car and to the Funtherium. It closes at 6 so we had 35 minutes.

"Whatchu wanna do first?" Monica ask.

"How about basketball?" I suggested.

"Then the giant piano. They say if we get all the notes, we get free food of our choice." Armani said.

"Wait free food, let's do it." I said.


"Armani you just had to do all that extra shit don't ya?" I ask her.

"Well I was thinking about the food."

"It went too far in ya head, besides, they were gonna give us vegetarian food." Monica said.

We walk to the car where there was paparazzi. We made it there safely and drove off.

"What was that all about?" Monica ask.

"I have no clue." Armani and I both said.

I dropped Armani home and then Monica.

"I had a great time thank you." She said.

"No prob, you got work tomorrow?"

"Yea at 12.

"Okay uhm get ready at 9 we're gonna get you checked out."

"Okay." She said smiling. We exchanged numbers and she and walk away. Our house was two avenues apart.


Daina drove off and I entered my house. The scent of alcohol and darkness greeted me as I close the door and threw my bag in the sofa.

"Mom!" I shouted. I went in the kitchen and turn the lights on. I grabbed a bottle of water and stood at the island. There was 18 knives in the knife stand but only 17 were there.

I dropped the bottle and ran upstairs to my mother's room and she wasn't there. I went into her bathroom and my heart stopped for a moment.


I parked the car in the driveway and got out. I locked it up and entered the house where alcohol greeted me. I walked in the living room and August and the guys were smoking, chugging vodka and Coca-Cola and Laila was just watching them.

"August!" I shouted and the whole house went silent. "Out! Everybody. And clean up this damn mess before you leave." As I said that, everyone get to work, including Laila. I sat around the island watching them at work. August, Chris and Daniel just sat there getting high.

"Get out." I said opening the door, all of them left except for the three idiots.

I slammed the door shut and they held their heads.

"The fuck you did that for?" Daniel said. I ignored him and sat on the coffee table in front of them.

"Whats your problem?" I ask.

"We ain't got no problem." August said harshly.

"Speak on behalf of yourself." I spoke without any emotions. "August go upstairs."

"You ain't my momma." Who told him to say that. I walk over to him and they started laughing. I held onto the crook of his neck and squeezed it until he passed out. Chris and Daniel stop laughing and I look at them like I was the devil.

"Now, Ima make this short like an abbreviation. I ain't even gon use my hands. You both have girlfriends, which you should be thankful for, cause girls like them don't come around everyday." I said savagely walking around them. They look at me with fear and I laughed inside.

"Ima warn ya boys, take care of your ladies before other men do it, and you ain't gotta ask, that's a promise." I said. "And let yourself out."

They staggered outside and I went into the kitchen for a bottle of water and some cookie. I left August stupid ass downstairs and turn the lights off. Don't worry, he'll be fine.

I went upstairs in Deanna's room. She had an asthma attack and by the looks of Xavier, he ain't know one shit to do.

"What caused this?" I ask walking over to where she was trying to catch breath.

"They were smoking downstairs and she inhaled some while she was running away from it." He explained.

He gave her her asthma pump but she still hadn't caught any breath. I gave her some water and then her pump. I bent her over while holding her stomach and she caught breath little by little.

"August is so dumb. I ain't even gon argue with him." I mumbled to myself as Xavier went downstairs.

I wasn't nervous or panicking or anything but I was just scared, scared that I'll lose another one of my sister.

She laid on her side and I watch her as she fall asleep. I turn her night light on and turn the lights off.

I went over to my room and took a shower, put on a oversize shirt and a underwear and plat my hair in two. I hopped in bed and almost fall asleep until there was a knocked at my door. I hopped off my bed and went to open it.

"August ain't breathing." Xavier said in a panicking tone.

"X he's fine." I said as I tried to close the door but he stopped it with his feet.

"Xav-woah!" He drew me down the hall and we jogged downstairs. August was sprawled out on the sofa with his head low.

"Xavier don't you think he deserve it?" I ask folding my arms.

"Do something. Ion want Ms Claudine killing me when she gets back." He semi yelled.

"Your babysiting August?!" I laughed.

"Just do something!" I sighed and roll my eyes. I walk over to him and squeezed his neck harder than before.

August gasp for air and I look at him with a blank expression.

I rolled my eyes once again and jogged upstairs to my room. All of a sudden, I couldn't sleep. I ate the cookies I had brought up and read a book until I was ready to sleep. The only way of falling asleep quickly is to read a damn book. #facts

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