Chapter 15

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I open the door and to my surprise, it was Xavier.

"I thought you were babysitting?" I said, leaning on the door.

"Yea but I ask Armani if she could take over cuz I didn't feel right, I felt a headache and thought I'd come over here."

"Hmm I guess your on boyfriend mode eh?" I stepped aside allowing him to come in.

"Do me a favor and grabbed some snacks, liquorice, a bottle of water, a sprite and some aspirin." I told him then went to get the sheets from the dryer. I came back with them and he was giving me the 'what the heck' face.

"Why you looking at me like that?" I ask.

"Watchu gon do with all this?" He ask scrunching up his face.

"When you go upstairs you'll see. And take yo damn shoe off." I told him. We walked upstairs and went into Deanna's room, closing the door behind me.

"Where's August?" Xavier ask.

"He's sleeping." I folded the sheets.

"So where's Anna?"

"Boy you gon stop asking all these damn questions? She's in the bathroom. And I suggest you not go in there." I said as Xavier put the food on the coffee table.

"Put these in the closet." I told him. I went over my room and grabbed a pack of sanitary napkins and went back over. August was knocked the heck out. I took out a onesie Deanna had bought at forever 21 and took out an underwear for her, then went in the bathroom.

"I thought you forgot about me." She said tiredly.

"Babe I could never forget about you. Now come on." I helped her out the bath and she dried off.

"You know how to use one of these?" I ask referring to the pad."

"No." She leaned against the shower glass.

"Okay lemme show you."

After we were done, we went back to her room and she laid beside Xavier. He started talking to her and she replied slowly.

"Uhm if you need anything call me." I told her.

"Ima need a-"

"Not you dick head." I said walking out the room.

I went back to my room, took a shower and laid beside August who was hella knocked out.

"Babe you okay?" He ask startling me.

"Yea I'm just tired."

"What was wrong with Dee?" He said pulling me closer to him.

"She had her first period and didn't know."

"Oh so you had yours?" He ask.

"Yea, I started a year ago."

I laid there on his chest and fell asleep.


We fell asleep on the bed cuddling for almost three hours. It's now 9:01 pm. I went downstairs and plopped down in the sofa then turn on the TV to watch The Call.

Ty💠-Wassup bruh. You busy? 8:59 pm

Me- nah homie. 9:04 pm

Ty💠- Aite I'm coming over in 5. 9:04 pm

Me- bet. 9:05 pm

After I was done talking to Tyga, I left the show and went upstairs to take a quick bath, then got dressed in a basketball shorts, white socks and white t-shirt.

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