Chapter 63

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This should've been uploaded from lastnight buuttt, shit happens. Enjoy!


"How bad does it hurt?" August ask, rubbing my stomach.

"It didn't hurt all that bad, just a little pressure." i sighed and rubbed my round stomach.

"Im sorry i wasn't here half the time."

"Its fine."

We were at home laying in bed after doing small baby stuff like packing hospital bags and going through stuff we must do when i go into labor. August was asking alot of questions pertaining to the pregnancy and i couldn't do nothing but smile and answer them. He's been making progress in terms of showing alot of interest and acting more responsible (just in this short while.) We spoke about the situation after our little makeup session.

"August come here. I wanna show you something." i got off the bed and wobbled out the room with him behind me.

"Can't you just tell me."

"Shut up."

"Girl." he chuckled.

"Okay now close your eyes."


"Close them." i whined.

"Fine. Alright."

He closed his eyes and i drew him to the babies room. I look around and smile in satisfaction. "Okay now open them." i clasp my hands together.

"Damn girl. You did all this?" he smiled and look around.

"Monica and X helped."

"This is so beautiful." He pecked my lips. "I cant wait for them to get here."

"Me either."

3 weeks later


No answer



"Girl get up."

"August im not feeling well. Can you leave me alone?" i mumbled into the pillow.

"You want me to rub your back or some?"

"Can you sing for me?"

"Na see, you just ask me to leave you alone." he got off the bed.

"August stop playing with me. Please?"


"You've been sleeping for 3 days Daina."

"August how am i suppose to stay up and not feel nauseous?" she began to cry.

I sighed and walk over to the bed. I began to rub her back as her crying fit calm down. "I'm sorry you have to go through this baby." i stared at her. "Listen, how about we go out for ice cream?"

"Okay." she sniffled and sat up.

She was wearing a sweater and shorts so i slipped on a pair of uggs on her feet. I threw on a white t-shirt since i had already started to get dressed.

"You see my keys?" i patted my jeans.

"Its on the counter in the kitchen." she answered. "Can you put my hair in a ponytail please?"

I walk over to her and brushed her hair, putting it in a ponytail like she ask.

"Its too tight."

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