Chapter 61

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It's Friday. I've started working two weeks ago and it's been going good except for the fact that I go to work from Monday to Friday at 9 and come home at 6 while Daina go to her job at Mac from Monday to Wednesday at 8 and come home by 3. She claims that I don't spend time with her but how can I when I have to go to work to care of us. For that, I ask Ebony if I could just work from Monday to Thursday from 9-5 and she gave me the go ahead.

For Xavier and Anna with the baby, they work everyday. Anna, from 7-5 and Xavier from 8 pm to 4 inna mawnin. Since Anna got the job, the two were able to work out a schedule for both of them and the baby, so Anna would be able to see X for at least 2 hours before he goes off.

Today everybody has a busy day before the party. We all called off work so we could get other stuff done. Daina and I have an appointment then we gotta get the pictures of the interior and exterior finish of the house, the keys and the last piece of paper to sign off, which will come in a mail and Xavier was bringing Anna to meet his momma so they ask us keep Davia for the meantime, which we had no problem with. Then after all that, we have a lunch date with Armani and Chris, Chandra and Mel, Anna and X, Monica and Tavaris and Karrueche and her man.

"Babe you ready?" I yelled from the bedroom.

"August stop rushing me."

"I'm not rushin' ya. We're gonna be late for this appointment ."

"Well go by yourself! Shit." She yelled and open the bathroom door.

"Why you yelling though? And how can I go when your the one who's pregnant." I watched her walk towards the dresser, picking up her earring.

"I'm not about to argue with you August."

"Daina you been sayin' dis since last week."

"Well if you would just spend some time with me, we wouldn't have to argue." She began to cry.

"Baybeh I took off an hour and Fridays just to spend time with'chu." I walked over to hug her but she pushed me away.

"Your so disgusting." She sniffled.

"Na' why do I gotta be disgusting?"

She grabbed her purse and phone then left. I sighed to myself and went in the car after locking up the house, then left.

"Baybeh you hungry?" I ask, looking at her, who was in her phone, and the road.

No respond. I sighed and lean back, realizing that I couldn't get frustrated with her. I drove to ihop drive thru and got some for us to eat.

After eating, I helped her in the car and made our way to the doctor.

"Morning Daina, August."

"Morning." We both said.

"So what are we doing today?" He ask.

"Just checkin' up on the baybeh." I answered.

"Alright... Daina you know how this goes." He said and drew out the stuff needed. I sat inna chair and watch him apply some gel on her stomach you could barely see. By the way she wince at it you could tell its cold.

"Alright. I'm just gonna check the baby's heartbeat this month." He switched a button on the equipment and we could hear a loud pounding in the background.

"This is your baby's heartbeat." He said. I smiled at Daina who was crying as the doctor wiped the gel from her stomach. "We won't be able to tell the gender since your only 4 months today. So your next appointment, we should be able to tell." He said. I stayed back for a minuet to speak with him while Daina made her way out to the car.

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