Chapter 59

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It hasn't been a full 24 hour since Daina got home. It was 4:35 am and I'm awake. Daina has been moaning in pain and crying in the last 15 minutes. I was trying to get myself fully awake before I could actually get up.

Truth is, I've never seen Daina so soft and vulnerable before and it's kinda weird, knowing that you literally had to sleep with your eyes open with fear that she'll cut your throat as a threat.

Now that she's pregnant, I could take nine months of no threats and fear. I'm not afraid of daina, it's just her threats. And i can tell that if someone cross her in her bad mood due to her pregnancy, they won't even live to tell the story.

I remove myself from under her and get the lights on. I felt bad for her to the point where if I could take her pain I would. I really hate seeing her like this because it makes me feel bad.

I went in the bathroom and grabbed her pills, healing ointment and a clean bandage.

She was full on crying with temper and everything, that makes me wanna cry. Because she could only lay on her stomach, I carefully took her top off and remove the bandage, throwing it away. I observed the wound which is healing really quickly and applied the ointment, rubbing on the wound ever so softly. She started sniffling and I sighed to myself. I applied the bandage and placed a towel over her back instead of her shirt.

I went downstairs and got some water and came back up, closing the door behind me. I carefully lift her body up so she could take the pill and the water which worked successfully.

There was no way I could possibly ask her how she was feeling because it was obvious that she was in a lot of pain. I had no idea what do now because I'm officially lost.

"Babe." She mumbled.


"I want ice-cream." She spoke softly.

"Alright c'mon."

I went around her side of the bed and helped her to stand up. I took up her shirt from the bed and put it on her. I carefully lift her up and she wrapped her legs around me and laid her head on my shoulders.

I held onto her and went downstairs. I attempt to put her down in the couch but she wouldn't let go. I laughed to myself and went in the refrigerator and took out a carton of strawberry ice cream and two spoons.

"Baybeh how am I gon sit if your still on me?"

She released her legs and stood still. I laughed at her childish behavior and laid back in the couch. She slowly sat between my legs and took her time to lay her back against my chest until she felt comfortable.

I opened the ice cream and put it in front of her and handed her one of the spoon. The moonlight was peeking through the windows so basically we were kinda in the dark eating ice cream.

When we we're finish, I sat the empty carton and spoons on the coffee table. I snake my hands under her shirt and started rubbing her belly until we both fell asleep


"Karrueche damn, stop flicking my fucking eye bruh. I hate when you do dat shit." I groaned and open my eyes. When karr and I was together, I would be sleepin' and she would flick my eyes open.

"I've been waking you for 5 minutes." She whispered, trying not to wake Daina as we we're both sleepin' in the couch still.

"What'chu want? "

"Someone's at the door." She said and picked up a blanket, covering Daina who was sleepin' on her left side.

"Aite lift her up."

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