Chapter 12

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August (4:48 pm)

I got out the house and went to IKEA to buy a good mattress and two extra bed spreads. I bought a purple and peach bed spread for Daina and waited one fucking hour to get her picture on the purple spread and the pillow cases. I know I fucked up and I don't know what got over me honestly, so I have to do something special.

I went to the cashier and paid $104.56 for all the items including carrying the mattress over to my house and the picture. I drove to the house and waited for them to reach here. It took them 10 minutes, got me waiting and shit.

After they placed the mattress in and took the old one, I tipped them $10 each and made the bed with the peach spread, placed the purple one in her closet and left out. I gotta make it up to her. I went to the mall to buy some stuff for her to show her how much I truly appreciate her. Gosh im such an idiot.

I went into Victoria Secret and realized I was the only guy in there. The ladies started staring at me, smiling and asking for autograph and pictures. After that, I picked up 8 matching bra and panty sets in all different colour like baby blue, hot pink, red, yellow, mint green, black, white, grey and peach.

I picked out 2 lingeries which is a mint green with a bit of grey and a white one with sparkles and dem' shit. It cost me $238.12 and got some on discount. The cashier started flirting but I avoided eye contact. I left and went to bath and body works and again, I was the only male.

"These men don't buy their girl somethin' like damn." I mumbled to myself.

"Hi I'm Monica, how may I assist you?" A short dark girl with black straight hair said.

"Uhm I would like uh 6 different body spray, 6 lotions, 4 bath bombs, 3 different shampoos with its conditioner, 3 body wash and 6 of those scented candle thingys that girls put in their bathroom." I told her.

"Right this way Mr. Alsina." She laughed, leading me to an aisle with like 500 candles. Or am I exaggerating? Whatever.

I smelt them and man I'm in love. I picked up 6 that I know she might like, and two for myself. Monica lead me to all the other aisle, where she monitored my selections since ion know 'what the shit' I'm selecting.

By the time I was done, it was 11:58 pm. I cashed out and paid $400.00 flat with a 30% discount. I tipped her $100 for helping me for over 2 hours.

I went to Music City and see if I could find a perfect mp3 player for Daina. After couple minutes of searching, I found a baby blue one. I bought it for $310.02 and went on my way.

The last place I went to was Tiffany & Co. where I bought her a pair of mint green gun of her own,(in mm) since she love guns. I paid fucking $1835.28 for that shit like I was expecting less, but hey, you can spend the world on ya girl.

They had different colours like pink and yellow but those were ugly asf. Ain't nobody gon buy them shit.

It was 12:08 am. I called my mother and told her I'll be home in 20 minutes, just to make sure she knows I'm okay.

I pulled up to my house and got out with all 8 of the bags. I locked the car and open the front door in an attempt to walk up the stairs until my mother stopped me.

"What happen with you and Daina?" She said lowly, startling me.

"Jeez ma... Don't. Do that." I jumped at her voice, causing me to dropped the bags.

"Come here son." I walked over to where she was and sat down.

"What did you do to Daina?" She ask sternly.

"Ma i-"

"Just answer the question lil boy."

"Ma I didn't mean to do it, I had no idea what had happened to me. And I had the nerve to do it in her bed."

"You cheated on her didn't you. Just like your father. And in her bed? In my home? No respect I see." She got up and so did I.

"Mom what are you doing?"

"Your grounded Anthony. I'm gonna need all your devices, no chill room, you can't hang out with your friends, not even on Saturday or Friday, you don't drive, and no hosting. That's two weeks." She said, walking upstairs.

"But mo-"

"But nothing August Anthony Alsina. If it doesn't pertain to the girls especially Daina, you don't have a say. And don't think your gonna use Daina as an excuse of getting what you want. And if you apologize to Daina and show me that your a man and not a boy like your father, then maybe, just maybe, I'll move it to one week." She stated.

"I'm gonna need the devices now young man.....
And..... Showering a girl with gifts doesn't mean she's gonna forgive you. It means she'll forgive but not forget. It'll be sad if Daina is like that girl, that if you buy her gifts under bad circumstances, she'll accept it just like that.. Good luck son." She walked upstairs not looking back.

I sighed in disappointment and took up the bags, walking upstairs. I went in my room and placed the bags in my closet. I took my phone out my pocket and turned it off and brought it , my keys and my MacBook to my mother's room.

"You did it once, I gave you a pass cause your just a boy, second time, I pretend I didn't see... But you just don't learn don't you. I don't wanna say I'm disappointed in you August, cause I'm not. Just do me a favor and stop being like other males. Treat Daina better than you did with that ungrateful girl." She took the devices from me and close the door in my face.

"Harsh." I mumbled and push my hand in my pocket. I checked on Deanna and she wasn't there. I started panicking cause I wasn't sure if they were gone.

I went by Daina's room and hoped that they were there. I open the door slightly and they were. Daina was laid up in Deanna's lap and Deanna was laying there sleeping.

I closed the door and went back to my room. I took a shower and threw on a underpants and a basketball short and a white t-shirt. I hoped in my bed feeling some type of way. I went to pick up my phone to text Xavier but won't you look at that, August doesn't have a phone. I put the covers over me and fell asleep, hoping that later will be better and that she'll forgive me.

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