Chapter 21

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"Monica I'm sorry." He said looking shock.

I sat up from the sofa and looked at him worried.

"Monica, you won't be having a baby...." He trailed off. "You'll be having triplets." Suddenly his emotion changed from blank to happy.

"Monica, I'm so happy for you." I got up and walked​ over to her holding her hands. She had a blank expression on her face. I figured she's just shocked to the point where she couldn't say anything.

"So how far along is she?" I spoke for her, still gripping her hands.

"I'll give an estimate." He said walking over to the monitor and his clip board.

"She's 2 and a half weeks pregnant Daina." He said.

"Uh-oh." I mumbled, somehow knowing what he was gonna say.

"Daina sometimes I have to wonder how old you are. Cause your too old. Your your mother's​ child indeed." He chuckled, causing me to laugh. Monica however had a blank face. Dr. Reynolds wipe her tummy off with a hand towel and pulled her shirt down.

"Your next check up will be when your 5 months or 4, just to see the genders and if you four are healthy. Your free to go and tell the receptionist this number. 384." He said and open the door for us.

"Thank you." Monica said.

"Daina, a word."

I paused and stood at the door with him, waiting for him to speak. "Yes Gregory." I said with a smile.

"Don't let that be you, not now. Please. And I love the way you were there for your friend. It's.......Cute." I smiled at him knowing he hates the word cute and made my way out to the elevator with Monica. I turned my phone on and called Cidny. He was on his way.

There was an intense silence in the elevator between Monica and I as we reached out to the receptionist once the elevator came to a stop, told her the number and she nodded her head. We walked out and there Cidny was, waiting for us at the door. He opened it and we went in.

"So where do you girls want to go?" Cidny ask in his British accent.

"Monica." I whispered. She was currently looking out the window, blocking everyone out, obviously.

"Uhm I wanna go to IHOP, to get breakfast." I said. He drove with acceleration and in 18 minutes we were there.

Trust and believe when I told you that Monica hadn't say one word. I guess she was adjusting and thinking about the pregnancy.

I checked my phone and there were alota messages, especially from August. I don't feel the need to talk to him because he almost killed my sister.

Bae💕- hey.
-where you at?
-Are you okay?
-Please answer me.
-Im sorry okay
-Please don't tell my mom.

I ignored them and continue with my day.

"Monica come on." I said calmly to her. She slowly scooted off the seat and out. I closed the car door and Cidny sat in the car, fixing his white gloves.

"Cidny you want anything?" I ask before walking off. This was a question I had already knew the answer to from the jump.

"No Ms Taylor. Thank you for the offer." He said pleasantly​.

"Oh come on Cidny. Why can't you say yes." I semi yelled.

"Because Ms Taylor, I don't have money on my mind, I do if for the jo-"

"Joy, blah, blah, blah. Your coming to eat breakfast with us whether you like it or not, and I'm paying, whether you like it or not." I said opening his door and pulling him out.

"Ms Taylor." He whined.

"Whining are for babies Cid." I told him as he locked the door.

We went in and sat in a booth. Monica and I was on one side while Cidny was on the next removing his gloves. We stayed silent until our waiter arrive.

"Hi I'm Dominique and what would you like to order?" She ask, taking out her pen and clicking it.

"Cidny, go ahead." I said.

"I would like waffles with moderate amount of syrup, strawberries on the side and an iced tea thank you." He spoke perfectly with his British accent. It was on point.

"I'd like pancakes with syrup, sugared fruits and a pineapple milkshake please." I told her.

"Monica? What would you like?" I ask. She took a minute but she answered.

"Uhm an iced tea please." She spoke softly.

"And put that on my tab please." Cidny said holding up his finger.

"Cidny, no." I laughed. He thinks he's slick.

"For a old man I sure am." He said.

"Wait you heard that?" I ask worried.

"Oh, no darling. I sensed it." He said smiling.

Our breakfast arrived, we said a prayer and started eating. Monica on the other hand drank slowly without ace.

"Ms. Monica, is everything alright dear?"  Cidny ask, cutting into his waffle.

"Uh, yeah-uhm thanks." She smiled slightly.

"Ms. Monica, I think I understand what your going through. Is it alright if I tell you a little story?"

"It's fine." She smile.

Thank you Cidny. I thought to myself.

"I had a daughter. She was brilliant, magnificent, everything a father would ask for. I was a single parent, her mother died when she turned one years old. I didn't have much, poor and all those lovely things." He swooshed his fork around.

"As she grew along, she get to understand that I didn't have a dime. When she turned 18, I wanted to give her something special to show her that, I really appreciate her no matter what. So I bought her a bible. She took that bible from me, and threw it on the floor. Being the dad I was I had no one to support me other from God. I took that bible and placed it in the center of my dresser."

"3 years later, she had her own house, her husband that love her dearly and a kid. Never knew what was going on with her, she came by me. It was her 21st birthday. I uhm.... I sat her down and gave the Bible to her again and she took it with the same face she gave me. She finally open the Bible on the spot, and a key fall out. She looked at me in this confused way and I smiled at her. She took it up and I led her to the garage where the Prada was covered up for 3 years. You know what her comment was?"

"Uh no tell me." She said eagerly while I stood there listening.

"'Daddy I can't believe you did this. You make this hard on my life'." I had nothing to say. She said thanks and hug me, stayed for a talk and left. So what I'm basically trying to tell you is appreciate the small things you have until doors begin to open, cause you never might know what you got until it's gone, but truth is, you knew what you had, you just didn't appreciate and make the best of it.

Tears begin to flow from her eyes as he tried to calm her down.

"That was very touching Cidny." Monica told him.

When we were done, the tab came. I looked at Cidny and took out the $11.56. I hurriedly put the money on the tab but Cidny removed it swiftly so the money ended up on the table.

"Thank you ma'am." He said giving the waitor the tab with a $5 tip.

"Cidny, I'm gonna get you."

"Whatever you say Ms Taylor." He said smiling.

So I've been writing....

But I need feedbacks. Can't I at least get a couple feedbacks telling me watchu think or somethin.


Help a sista out.💕💖

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