Chapter 16

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Today was gonna be an okay day. I got up, prayed and made my bed. It was 7:36 am and I didn't feel sleepy. After dinner last night, something was off with August when his mother told him that she would be leaving tomorrow. I didn't pay it much mind cause it wasn't my business.

My room was half messy but I didn't wanna clean it until tomorrow. My hair was in a high bun and I was in a pink onesie with different types of guns on it. I love it. I took up my towel and headed for the bathroom.

I stripped from my clothes, throw them in the laundry basket and entered the shower. I sprayed some vanilla body wash onto my rag and start to wash all over my body. I rinse my body, dried off and exited the shower. The vanilla body wash was so strong, the bathroom smelled like it. I looked in the mirror and saw that I had a pimple on my fucking forehead like, what are you doing here? I brushed my teeth, wash my face with soap and applied a new set of contacts in my eyes.

When I came from the bathroom, August was sitting on my bed. Going through my phone.

"What are you doing?" I ask and he smiled at me.

"Searching your phone to see if there's any niggas up in yo DM."

I scoffed at his idiocy and grabbed my phone away from him. I hooked it up to the mp3 player and Earned It by The Weeknd came on. I blasted the speaker to a moderate volume and went over to the door, opening it so he knew that's his cue to get the hell outta my room.

I closed the door and locked it, then dropped the towel. I put on a white Victoria Secret bra set that August bought me. I took up a lotion and went to my closet, since I had all my proper clothes in it, and closed the door.

I looked for what I was gonna wear. Something casual-ish. I sat on the white bench and lotion my legs. I drew on a ripped skinny jeans, a white button up shirt with a pocket on the top left side and a black and white Jordans with heels. I strapped it up and looked in the full body mirror. I look stunning with these expensive pairs of shoes. I folded the shirt sleeves near my elbow and open an extra button.

Leaving the closet, I lotion my hands, put on some perform, a Louise Vuitton silver necklace, a MK wrist watch, tiny silver stud earrings and a silver charm bracelet I bought at Pandora. It has on a house, car, key, lock, heart and of course I had to get a gun on it. I grabbed my vintage clear glasses and phone which I change the case to matte black. I turn my lights off and exited the room. There stood August in exactly the same thing I had on.

"Really nigga." I said holding onto the door handle.

"What we're cute." He smirked.

"So not funny August." I said fixing my sleeve properly. I walked away from him but he manage to grab me.

"Babe why you walking away? You look beautiful." He said removing the clips I had at the top of my head causing my hair to fall. He wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me closer to him. "Your so beautiful."

"Aren't I always?" I smiled.

"Babe no questions ask. I luh you."

"I love you too." I stood on my tippy toes and pecked his lips.

"Isn't it funny how we act like adults?" He ask.

"Better now than never." I stretched my hands out for my clips and ran upstairs. I entered the room and Deanna wasn't in there. I figure she's still getting ready.I applied a moderate amount of makeup to my face and got started on my hair. I caught it in a bun and let a piece of the front fall in my face. I moisturized it and it got curly. I cleaned up and exited the room, putting on my glasses I jogged downstairs to check up on Deanna.

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