Chapter 10

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We arrived at the mall and stood there admiring the place. We went to Aldo's and got some awesome heals, Topshop, Hotmiami Styles and Forever 21.

By the time we were done, we had about 10 bags each. We brought them to the driver and told him to bring them home and come back.

Deanna and I got in Claire's and was so contemplating if I should get my belly button pierced, while Deanna got her ears pierced a second time, i took 15 minutes sitting and finally got an answer.

While Deanna was finishing up, I called Nate.

"Hey wassup?" I started.

"Wassup boo."

"Uhm are you busy?"

"Na I was waiting for this muhfker but he decide not to show up. Watchu want."

"Just wanted to hang out, you down?"

"Sure.. where am I to meet you?'

"At Claire's."

"Aite watchu wearing?"

"Uhm Deanna and I are wearing brown and white trench coats wi-"

The line went dead..... This guy.

I hung up and Deanna was done. She had in a tiny gold medicated nob. It was so cute. I laid down and picked out the style ring I want, it was a hook with a tiny silver heart dangling from it.

After the painless piercing was done, we paid her and picked out some more earrings and belly button rings of all colours cause they was so cheap, some chokers and 3 cute phone cases each including the matte black one, a liquid sparkle case and one that had our names on it.

6 minutes after paying for them, we took a seat on the bench, making small talk until Nate comes.

"Uhm D, do you think Xavier and I would make it?" Deanna ask.

"Yes of course, why'd you ask?" I said touching my belly ring through my dress.

"Because, I don't know. I see alot of relationships go downhill for some reason and I don't think I'm doing my best."

"Babe your doing fine, just don't do too much of anything cause sometimes, it could go wrong or he won't appreciate it, and then he'll be annoying to you and have you feeling some type of way." I told her as she nodded her head.

"Thanks, your the best." She said hugging me. "And I think I wanna do my piercing.... But not now. Yours is too cute."

"Thanks and your welcome, I'm gonna pierce my ear again, but whenever we come back." I said.


"Wassup Barbie dolls?" Nate said, cutting her off.

He was wearing a white turtle neck silk shirt with black jeans and black bootie, and a tall black trench coat. His brown and black hair was faded around the sides and the top was falling in his eyes.

"Waiting for you dummy." Deanna said.

"Can I tell you how much I love y'all outfits. It melts me." He said. "Oh I gotta ask, my boyfriend is starting his new clothing line and he wanted some new persons to model his clothes. Could you guys fill in?"

Boyfriend? Wth

"Well we dunno, we-"

"Perfect thank you guys, y'all are such angels." He said hugging us both with his feet up, making us laugh. "Y'all hungry? Food is on me."

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