Chapter 53

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"Get up ugly." I felt a tap on my back. "You sleeping?"

"Yes, I'm sleeping you idiot." I mumbled into the pillow.

"Daina get up, I wanna cuddle with my girl."

"Nigga fuck you and take a seat on the floor." I turned my body away from Anna's.

3 seconds of turning and he drew me by my leg onto the floor.

"Aahh!!" I screamed as my body thumped against the floor and cause me to fall on my back as Karrueche and Anna jumped up from their bed.

"Xavier I swear i-"

"Ah ah, don't start with your treats. It ain't scare me." He laughed and looked over at Karrueche. I reached for my vibrating phone and answered it.


"Daina!!! I-I​ don't know what to do. She-"

"Hunter calm down." I sat up on the floor. "What happen."

"Monica's going into labour!"

"Already? She isn't due till next month, but then again it's triplet."

"I don't know what to do." He panicked more.

"You nervous?" I laughed to myself.


"Aaahhhhh Tav!!!!!" I heard Monica cried in the background.

"Alright uhm, get her dressed and bring everything downstairs. She probably isn't fully dilated as yet but she's feeling contractions." I paced the floor with my hands on my waist and the phone at my ears.

I heard shuffling on the other side of the phone.

"I want her. Daina I need you." Monica cried.

"Baby she's in New York, she can-"

"I'll come."

"Daina are you sure?"

"I'm positive."

"Do you need uh money to pay for the plane fare?"

"Tavaris I'm fine. I'll be there in about 3 or 4 hours okay."

"A-alright I'll text you the hospital."

I hung up the phone and sighed very hard.

"What happen?" Anna mumbled.

"Monica's going into labour."

"Already?" Xavier ask.

"Yea, it's triplet so anytime is possible." I grabbed my charger and slipped on my bed slippers.

"Can I come?" Karrueche ask.

I stared at her deeply and couldn't ignore the fact that she's getting attached.

"Just- just hurry up and get dressed, I'm leaving in 30 minutes."

"Daina wait." Xavier shouted digging in his bag.

"Wha-Oh my God you didn't." I rushed over to him a grab my gun.

"How'd you get it through the airport?"

"My God mother works there and somehow I think some shit gon pop off.

"Thanks." I smiled. "I'm still mad at you though." I pointed the gun in his face.

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