Chapter 4

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"Daina and Deanna come let me show you to your room." Ms Claudine said. We followed her and to my surprise, we got the rooms on the right which are the mint green and grey detail. I got the first room and Deanna got the room beside mines.

We thank her and went our separate way. I closed my door and walked in. I plopped down on my new bed and sighed in comfort. This was the most comfortable bed I've ever slept in. I took out my pajama suit and a towel and entered the bathroom. It was gigantic. It had a jacuzzi and a walk in shower with two sinks. There was a candle on the edge of the jacuzzi. I took it up and it smelled like cinnamon. I locked the bathroom door but I realised I didn't have much idea on how to operate the shower.

I unlock the door and went outside to see if I can get August to show me how.

"August" I knocked on the first door and he didn't answer. I went to the second door and I knocked.

"Come in!" He said. He was sitting on the bed, watching TV in his underpants.

"Uhm, can you show me how to set up the shower please?" I ask fiddling with my finger.

He walk past me and I follow behind him. "Okay, this small knob is to change the temperature. The blue dot is cold and the red dot is hot. This knob is to turn on the shower. Ya can adjust the shower head by turning it. The jacuzzi now, is pretty simple. The pink button is for the Jets, the blue is for cold, red is hot, and if ya want a little dance or fun, you can click this black button the get colorful lights in hea'. Use this remote to control the lights." He said.

While he was talking, I was admiring all his tattoos, especially the one on his chest. His abs we're pumping and I felt some type of way.

"You got that?" He ask knocking me from my thoughts.

"Uh-uhm yeah. Thanks."

"No problem baybeh." He said towering over me. I backed up to the sink and looked in his eyes, they were so sparkly. He smirked at me and walk out, closing the door behind him. I locked it and took a shower and can I tell you how amazing it was. I'm used to bathing in cold water and standing on rocks but this, is truly amazing. I dried off and brushed my teeth then caught my hair in a loose ponytail and put my glasses on. I open the door and saw August sitting on my bed. I went past him and sat on the other side of the bed.

"Come here." He walk out my room and I followed him.


I had to call August to help me with the shower. Being here so far is so amazing. I had some homework to do so I went upstairs in the study room and laid my books on the table. I went into the closet and it was huge. It had every school items needed for school. I grabbed a pen and went back to sit.

I got curious when I seen there was a draw under the desk. I opened it and their was all different colour sticky notepad and markers. I took out a red marker and paste it on one of my page. It actually made my book look really cool. I started with my history homework while staring outside the window. It was so beautiful. I felt happy for the first time in a long while.


I followed August upstairs and he led me to the room that had nothing in it.

"August why are you walking me in here when there's nothing here?" I ask standing at the door.

"Daina that's the point of this room. It's a chill room. You sit on the floor and chill. She made it up, but I think it's cool." He said.

He drew me towards him and close the door.

"Remember when I ask for your number?" He ask.


"Well I gotta tell you something."

"Okay shoot." I said sitting on the floor, crossing my legs.

"I like you, I mean to be honest doe, your a bad thang, fine as hell, thick as fuck." He sang.

"Thank you." I smiled and look at the window.

"You don't know the song don't you?" He ask.

"No." The only songs i listen to is from the weeknd, Ariana, Nicki and sometimes Lil Wayne.

"Well I think your fine, your truly a badass. And if you don't mind me asking you, I would love to get to know you better."

"August we're going to be living in the same house for quite a long time, I think you'll get to know me by then." I said looking away from him.

"Look hea' ma." He turned my head towards him, lifting my chin. I stared in his eyes as he came closer to me. He pecked my lips but I didn't kiss back.


I pecked her lips but she didn't kiss back. I look at her and she look away.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Uhm nothing." She whispered.

"You've never kissed anyone before?" I ask but she didn't answer.

"Look baybeh, you can talk to me, and don't worry, I'll show ya." I said as she nodded her head. I lifted her chin again and kissed her passionately. She bit my bottom lip which turned me on and I bit hers. I pushed my tongue in asking for entrance and she opened up. I did the same and pecked her lips twice before pulling away.

"So?" I ask.

"I think I like it." She smiled. We chilled at the spot for about an hour, then got up and said our good nights and went back to our rooms. I think I'm falling for her.


I hopped in bed and threw the covers over me. I stared at the clock on the wall and it was 11:27 pm. I was super exhausted. I took off my glasses and rest it on the coffee table and fell asleep.

1:56 am

"Daina.....Daina." I heard Deanna, shaking me.

"What, I'm tryna sleep here?"

"I can't sleep, can I sleep with you?" She whispered. I pull back the covers and she hopped in, turning her back to me.

"Thanks sis." She said. I fell asleep so comfortably.

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