Chapter 9

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I woke up at 6:18: am. Still having Daina on me. I brushed her hair with my hand and pick my phone up.

-yo you up?

Xman💸- yeh dawg, hea' chillen wit my girl.

- ight meet me in the chill room in a minute.

Xman💸- bet.

I locked my phone and eased myself from under Daina. I walked out the door, quietly closing it behind me. At the same time, walking up the stairs, I got a text from my momma.

Mom🙈🙉🙊- I'll be home at 12 tonight. So don't wait up. Please don't trash my house.

I read the text and made my way in the room.

Same time, Xavier popped in. I dapped him up and he stood by the window. I went in the closet and took out the extended remote, which is an iPod, that control the whole house. I opened it up and locked the room door. By tapping the control tab, it opened up a plain white sofa, a table with weed popped up from the ground and a surround system came down on the other end of the room.

We plopped down on the couch and started smoking and listening to Truffle butter.

"Aye, shorty issa badass." I started, rolling the blunt.

"I ain't gon lie, we got down but didn't have sex. I seen shorty with her sista name unda her right breast and half of heart unda it. I'm like YESS ama put a ring on her. Babe started talking freaky in my ears, turning me on and shit, but I still ain't get no 😻." He said making me come to realisation.

"Yow nigga that's the same thing I seen on Daina."

"Man you was getting it too." He said dapping me up.

"Nah man I was just warming up that 😻 for ha. Baby girl seem ta like that shit. Speaking of that, she have her sister name in cursive unda ha left breast too man. With half a heart. Ya.... I thought it was sexy." I said, smoking the blunt. A while later, a knock was at the door.

"Who the fu-" he started to say.

"Chris." I said cutting him off. I got up and went into closet to look at the monitor, just to make sure. And it was him. I open the door and he entered and started rolling a blunt.

"No shits how the game going?" Chris ask.

"I haven't been around there since school but my brother's running it. I think he'll be home today thou." I ensured him.

"Aite... I think you should tell Daina about it though. I mean, if anything happens to you, she'll be pissed, seeing that she's like a fucking safety sign. I like her." Chris said flicking his blunt.

"Man they posed to be waking up now." Xavier said.

We got up and he open the windows while I set back the room to where it was and Chris turned on the air conditioner to blow out the room.


I got up without August beside me. It was my first Saturday here and I had no clue what to do since Ms. Claudia isn't here.

I looked at my phone and saw that I had couple messages.

Deanna😍- girl wake yo ass up and come downstairs.. 7:00 am

Armani🔥- it's about to go down. 11:49 pm

I did my hygiene and got dressed in a sports shorts and a crop top, I fixed my hair and put on my glasses. As I walk downstairs, I can smell and hear bacon sizzling.

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