Chapter 71

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August Birthday P1

The next day, Daina woke up with August arms wrapped around her waist and his face in her neck. She removed herself from under him and went to brush her teeth. When she was done, she drew on a shorts and went downstairs.

Daina decided that she wanted to make his birthday very special, seeing that she never celebrated one with him over the past two years that they've been together. The first year his birthday had past and she didn't know about it, and the second year, she was in a coma. And now that she is well, she's more than excited for today because birthdays to her are special.

For his breakfast, she took out the pots and utencils she needed and began making stuffed French toast that had in strawberry and nutella. She fried egg, sausage and made grits, and once she was finish she put then in a tray on the side. She got the whipped cream from the fridge and applied some on top of the toast, then stick a candle on top of it.

Her phone began to ring and she wiped her hands and answer it.

"Hey sissy pooh."

"Hey babe." she said as she poured champaign, coffee and orange juice in three different glass.

"Whats up?"

"Im making breakfast for my man."

"Aww your doing what mommy usually did." Deanna smiled over the phone.

"Yeah." Daina smiled as well.

"Tell August ugly ass i said happy birthday."

"Alright i will. Tell Davia auntie said happy birthday." she said as she sat the glasses in the tray.

"She heard you. Got lil baby hyped." Deanna said. "Are you guys coming in Atlanta?"

Immediately Daina got stuck. She knew she was going but she didn't want to tell her sister a lie. She closed her eyes and bit her lips as her hand rest against the counter.

"No I'm not coming. But I'll facetime you if that makes it better." she tried to lighten the mood.

Deanna sighed. "Alright." she mumbled.

It wasn't because Daina wasn't coming that got Deanna upset, it was because she wanted to tell her that she's pregnant. Eversince Deanna send in a letter to her boss, that she quit, she never set foot outside unless it was to jog and have family time. None of her friends came to visit her except for Tatiyana and everytime they'd ask, she'd tell them that she's busy.

Deanna was now four months pregnant but you could see the pudge in her stomach. She didn't want Daina to find out any other way.

"Babe i promise I'll make it up to you and Davia okay?"


"I love you."

"I love you too."

Deanna hung up and Daina answered the call that was coming from Shanique.

"Why yo ugly ass up so early?" she ask as she picked up the tray and made up way upstairs.

"I wanted to ask you something."


"Did you know Aaliyah had asthma?"

"What?" she paused on the stairs.

"Yeah. Early this morning about after two, i got up to feed them and when i was getting ready to feed Aaliyah, she was breathing heavily. I had to call my cousin, he's a doctor. I told him what was going on and he said that she's developing it. I just put her back to sleep after calmig her down. She's fine now."

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