Chapter 11

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I put the fillet of fish into the freezer until I heard moans. I stood up slowly, not knowing what was happening.

"Do y'all hear that?" I ask.

"Hear what? Psshhh girl it's yo mind playing tricks on you." Nate said, leaning on the counter awkwardly.

"It's probably.. the uh pineapple slushy you've been drinking." Deanna said.

Curiosity got the best of me as I pulled out a knife from the set and went upstairs to see who it was.


I got out my phone as soon as Daina went upstairs. I called August and he picked up on the first ring.

"Helluh." He said out of breath.

"Don't fucking 'helluh' me nigga. She's gonna kill yo fucking stupid ass."

"Dude watchu talkin bout, I'm in the middle of something important."

"Whoever it is you and her both is gonna get fu-" I started to say until Deanna took the phone from me.

"August, Daina is coming up the stairs with a fucking knife." Deanna said hanging up the phone throwing it to me.

We ran up the stairs to catch Daina before she starts stabbing the shit outta him.


I slowly walk up the steps as the moaning become softer and the person started talking. I open Deanna's door and no one, I went in August to and nothing. I put my hand on my door knob, praying that no one is in my room, as I heard Deanna and Nate coming up the steps.

I push my door open and there it was, the unforgettable and hideous sight. I dropped my hands and started to wonder if this was even real.

August was laying on MY bed with Karrueche on top of him in her birthday suit still having sex, on....... MY  bed.

"Are you dumb?" I ask softly with no emotion whatsoever.


I waited for them to drive off then made my way to the studio. I parked in my spot and went in.

I sat in the booth meditating on the mixed beat, Do You Mind for Khaled. I put the headset over my ears and started playing with the equalizer

12:15 pm

"This one is good. Listen to it and tell me the changes you want to be made then we're done." I said to him once he arrived.

"Aite, let's hear it."

After we were done, I left the studio and started on my way to the trap. At the same time, I got a text message.

???? - hey you busy?

Me- yes... What is it? Who's this by the way?

????- uhm it's....

Me- who?

????- just come to your house.


I turned around and went to my house where a red Honda was parked up on the right sidewalk. I parked at my entrance, far from the person so I don't double park.

I got out and leaned against my car.... Not noticing a thing in the world. All of a sudden, Karrueche walked up to me pulling me to my door.

"I have something to tell you."

"Say it right here."

"I can't, they're listening." She mouthed.

I open the door and sat down on the couch.

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