Chapter 31

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On our way back to the house, we decided not to go to the airport with August since we had no time, so we packed out the stuff, putting them in the correct place after August left, then started cooking.

Dinner was lemon and oregano roast chicken with vegetable rice, baked macaroni and cheese and dinner rolls. We bought brownies so I guess that could be dessert and beverage would be fruit juice. We had to cook like this because Ms. Claudine wasn't coming alone, according to Deanna, she had two company with her.

We got started on dinner, making conversation while singing​ to I Think I'm In Love by Kat Dahlia. Dinner was done in a hour time and August said he was thirty minutes away from the house. We made sure the house was cleaned enough then set the table. I got a call from Tavaris so I left Deanna to finish while I went to talk to him. I plopped down one the couch, propping my feet on the cushion chair.

"Wassup Kitten?"

"You tell me."

"Alright so as I said earlier, I need your​ opinion​ on something, since your a girl, your a girl right?" He laughed.

"I'ma hang up in yo fucking face, keep on."

"I kid, I kid. So I met this girl and she's really sweet and stuff, I wanna ask her to be my girlfriend but I don't know how."

"Nigga how you mean you'on know how, didn't you have a child with a girl?"

"That's not it D."

"Then what is it?"

"She's pregnant." He blurted out.

"So hol' up, lemme get this straight." I began to laugh, sitting up straight. "You met her, got her pregnant and want her to be your girlfriend?"

"No that's not it. Lemme break it down to ya. I met her in the mall when I was shopping for Mia right, so we started hanging out and she seem so intelligent and smart, ya know, not your typical girl. So yesterday we were having dinner and she told me that she's pregnant. I didn't take it anyway because I really like her. I just don't know what to do and think. That's why I'm asking you. What should I do or say?"

"Well, it's pretty sticky on your side, but if I were a guy, what I would do is cherish her if she really means the word to me, like let be her around me, treat her like you would've treat a queen."

"So I should accept her."

"Nigga I just gave you a damn paragraph with a fucking thesis statement, theme, main idea and damn introduction." I semi yelled in the phone.

"Girl take your time." He laughed. "I get it, I'm just messing with ya."

"I hope yo dumb ass do." I mumbled.

"Anyways, thanks sis, I'm gonna go plan up somethin' and give Mia my attention."

"Aite, later. Love you."

"Love you too kitten."

I hung up and got up off the couch, washing the extra stuff I'd use to prepare the meal. After I was done, the door open and in walk August. I walk up to him and pecked his lips quickly as he brought in the suitcases.

"Oh ma gawd bae, in hea' smells good. You really worked it up huh."

"You mean us, but yeah, we did. And stop stealing my slang." I said.

"Lawd, I smell Jesus, who cooked?" Ms. Claudine semi yelled as she brought in her bag. A woman and a man stood outside, taking out some stuff from August car. I couldn't recognize them from behind, but as soon as they were in, I could. We hugged Ms. Claudine, giving her a welcome home hug. Anna pulled me to the side while August conversed with his mom.

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