Chapter 49

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Thank you guys for 10k reads. I'm so appreciative of this. So for that... I decided to make this chapter long, I mean, If you cool with that.

You are?



It was graduation week and I had alot of shit to get done and accomplish. In a day, my peers and I will no longer be in high school, we will be graduates.

August was still sleeping and it was 8 am. After he got in late last night from hosting a huge party that Meek Mill n'em throw together, it was 4 in the morning. He had big people in the music industry slide through as well as the ones that are coming up because he believes in equality.

I had just got done with showering and now sporting a tank top and a booty shorts. I sat around my table with my left leg near my chest and the other hanging while checking my email and drinking some chocolate tea. I haven't checked it in a while and the emails I got are really surprising and interesting.

Deanna and I surprisingly had a one hour interview with the breakfast club at 10. They were doing an all about show where they go different places and do interviews.

August Twelfth emailed me, asking if I could assist him in a song he was working on. He sent the lyrics and the objective of the song. It's called baeless and I really liked it so far.

Some girls from different school also emailed me and asking if I could show them some tips on doing wings and applying lipstick properly. I would check back with them when the day is over to see if I have free time tomorrow, which would be Sunday.

I wanted to tweet about the meet and greet I was having later this evening- since my supporters were begging- in downtown Atlanta but I sent my phone over by Anna so she could fix it because I forgot my password.

After checking my email, the doorbell rang. I shut down the laptop and went to get it. I opened it up to Deanna who had clothes in her hands and was wearing a robe.

"So you walk across the street in a robe?" I rose my eye brow.

"So you forgot to comb your hair?" She said with an attitude and walked pass me.

"The fucks up with you?" I closed the door and walk over to her.

"Man I'm tired of X. He fucking annoying. Treating me like a baby and shit." She said making me laugh. "When he came in from the party this morning, I thought his ass was tired. Nigga woke me up early in the fucking morning just to give me some to eat. I wasn't hungry." She said. She dug in her robe and pass me my phone.


"Your phone been blowing up with tweets and shit bout some damn meet and greet bullshit."

Speaking of that, I sent a tweet about the meet and greet, the time and place, and not even 1 second later, I got over 4k retweets. I sat my phone down and walk into the kitchen where Anna was.

"Excited about the he interview?" I sipped on on my warm tea.

"Ecstatic." She said with sarcastic laced in her tone. "Can you wash my hair?" She frowned.


"Cause I'm tired."

"Then why the fuck are you standing?"

"I'm looking for food." She whined.

"Girl you ain't looking for no damn food and it's right in front you."

"Whatever." She said and took down a Twinkie.

We walked up to my room and held conversation in the mean time. I open my door and we went in.

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