Chapter 37

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This Chapter contains explicit sex scenes so beware or whatever, I know ya'll grown.
Have fun.

"Take your clothes off." I told him.

"I'm bouta get some coochie ta'nite." He laughed.

"Wait your not drunk." I folded my arms.

"I was, but it wore off."

I scoffed at him and attempted to go through the door until he stopped me.

"Just come lay wit'me. Please, I miss you." He begged.

"Do you miss your little girlfriend too?"

"Baybeh come on." He groaned.

"Oh I'm baby now?" I said in an amused tone.


"Fine, since as you begging." I smiled. I'm not gonna lie and say I didn't miss him, I'm just not gonna show him that.

I took my jeans and uggs off and hop in his bed, he laid on top of me between my legs a wrapped his hands around me.

"I miss you." He said.

"I know."

"So you'on miss a young nigga?"

"Wel-" As I was about to speak, he was grinding himself on me causing me to release a soft moan. "Stop." I whined, trying to push him off but he kept going.

"You'on miss me?" He ask again.

"Y-yes, now stop." I hid my face under my sweater.

"Aww, my la' baybeh miss papa." He laughed and reveal my face. "Suppose I told you I was horny?"

"August if your between my legs, I wouldn't expect anything better." I laughed.

"I wanna have sex." He said. At this point I couldn't say I don't because I really absolutely want to.

"Baybeh answer me." He stared in my eyes. "If your ready, tell me but if you not, I'ca wait, and I'm sorry 'bout everything I did. It was just dat', you weren't givin' me the attention I wanted and I got jealous cuz of dat' huntin' guy." He said making me laugh.

"I forgive you." I played in his hair.

"Na' do you wanna have sex, or nah, cuz you made a nigga hard as fuck in just the lil' time I was between yo legs."

"Alright, let's do it."

"You sure?"

"I'm positive." I said. He smiled and got up to go over his table. He open the drawer and pulled out a condom while I leaned down on my elbows watching him.

He drew his boxers down and I swear my eyes popped outta my eyes. He was like... thick! He pulled the condom on and came back between my legs. I was pep talking my self mentally and before I knew it, his lips crashed down to mines.

I wrapped my legs around his and played in his hair as he bit down on my lips, asking for entrance. I open my mouth as he sucked on my tongue.

We went on for couple minutes until he took my underwear off, sliding a finger in me.

My breathing picked up as he went faster, sliding another finger in. I closed my eyes, letting out small moans.

He positioned himself at my core, after taking his fingers out, licking it.

"Baybeh you know how this go right?" I nodded my head and he reach back up to kiss me.

He rubbed his tip at my entrance as he kiss me passionately, like he meant it.

"Go slow, please." I whispered between our lips.

"Don't worry baybeh, I'll take care of you." I nodded as he gently slid into my now throbbing core slowly until he filled me completely. I whimpered in pain as a tear escape my eyes.

"You want me ta stop?" He ask. I shook my head no before he pressed his lips onto mines, trying to sooth me. We stayed like that for couple seconds, with me getting use to his size. I looked down and he lift my head back up. "Focus on me."

I propped my legs up with his pelvis on mines as he thrust in me. He moved back and forth to the soft rhythm as I moaned between his lips.

"Au-August." I whispered, knowing I could barely speak at the moment.

He took long strokes in me, I only feeling alot of pain and pleasure with love. This made me love him more with every stroke he take. "Faster please." I said and he picked up his pace.

"Fuck." He grunted.

I felt my stomach tightening as I clench myself around him.

"Baybeh don't do that." He said.

"AAHHH." I screamed and press his lips onto mines. He went faster than before as I felt myself release. Few more minutes after, I felt himself becoming warm.

We rode out our high and he laid on top of me. Our breathing went back to normal and he pulled out, disposing of the condom.

"How you feeling?" He breathed in my ears.

"Good." I whispered.

"Girl you were amazing." He laughed making me smile.

"I had fun." 

"Yea and you were loud as fuck."

We laughed and talk some more before we found ourselves sleeping in each others arms.

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