Ties: Part One

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Description: Harry and Draco accidentally wear the wrong ties. (Harry's POV)

Warnings: Swearing and (in part two) homophobia

Song: Can't Keep My Hands to Myself by Selena Gomez

Length: 800 words

Harry's POV

I blink the sleep from my eyes.
Light filters in from the windows, making me hiss as it goes directly into my eyes.
"Shut up." Draco murmurs, still half asleep.
I smile slightly and glance at the clock by my bed.
My heart drops.
"Shit!" I swear, leaping out of bed. "Get the bloody Hell up! We're going to be late!"
He murmurs something beneath his breath before sliding out of bed and escaping into the bathroom.
I throw on the first pair of clothes I find and tear out of the room, running down to the common room.
"I'll meet you at breakfast!" I bellow, almost sure that there is no one else in the room.
But when I turn, I discover a snickering Ron and a curious Hermione.
Hermione's gaze drifts down to my chest before immediately snapping back to my eyes.
I cock my head.
Ron snorts, and Hermione only rolls her eyes, smiling slightly.
"Nothing, mate." Ron manages, but then bursts into loud laughter, drawing the eyes of Seamus, who is currently leaving the common room.
Seamus eyes my laughing friends before turning to me.
"Harry, I..." He goes silent.
"What is wrong with you guys today?" I laugh nervously.
Seamus only smiles slightly before slipping out of the common room, Hermione and Ron following.
What was that about?
Probably have something on my face or something.
Frowning, I wipe my mouth, and run down to the great hall.
I skid into the great hall, gasping for breath.
A few Gryffindors cast me a few curious glances before turning away and snorting, whereas the Hufflepuffs start cooing and giggling wildly.
More than a couple Slytherins look my way and immediately start murmuring, while the Ravenclaws only furrow their brows.
What in the bloody Hell?
Ignoring the whispers, I slide into my usual seat next to Ron, joining their conversation.
"Oh, Merlin, that is absolutely hilarious, I can't believe he doesn't realize..."
Ron's words falter as he sees me sitting next to him.
Immediately, he flushes scarlet, turning to Hermione.
"So, what were you saying?" I ask, and the few conversations around us go silent.
Dean and Seamus, sitting next to Hermione, are both cackling wildly, staring at me, while Ginny won't stop repeatedly glancing at me with both slight anger and disappointment.
Ginny reaches out a hand and puts it on my elbow.
"Harry, you should've told us you were seeing someone." She says quietly, and I blush, shaking my head.
"I have no idea what you're talking about. And why are you all giving me strange looks?"
My heart is racing.
What if they know about Draco and I?
No. No way.
And, when the doors to the great hall open once more, I turn towards them.
Draco enters, his face devoid of emotion, though his hair is loose, like I like it.
The entire hall goes silent.
Ron and Ginny furrow their brows, glancing between Draco and I as if trying to figure something out.
"Mate...?" Ron begins, but his words falter as he continues to watch Draco move towards the Slytherin table.
"What?" I respond.
My stomach churns as I await his words.
"Why is Draco wearing a Gryffindor tie?"
Thanks to the hushed voices of the students and teachers, everyone around us hears, and whispers erupt.
My heart dropping, I glance down at my tie.
Green, black, and silver... Shit.
Quickly, I grasp at the tie, blushing brilliantly.
"It's not what it looks like." I stammer, unable to look at Draco, who has evidently made the same discovery as I, judging by the shouts and laughter at the other end of the room.
Hermione laughs wildly, her laughter only growing as she manages to see Ginny's comically horrified expression.
"Oh, Merlin." Hermione wheezes. "This is hilarious. Seamus, you owe me two galleons."
Swearing under his breath, Seamus slips Hermione two gleaming coins.
My embarrassment only grows as I see Draco out of the corner of my eye, marching towards the Gryffindor table.
Ron's eyes widen.
"Uh, Harry-"
"Harry, give me my tie." Draco interrupts, glancing down at me.
His cheeks are tinted pink, and he looks rather frazzled.
Suddenly, my fear of being made fun of dissolves completely.
I stand, gripping my tie, which is loose around his neck.
"Here." I purr, and I silently rejoice as I see him blush.
I remove the tie from his neck, and he does the same with mine, his hands quivering as he glances around at the staring students.
"Thank you, darling." I say, and he blushes an even deeper red, if that's even possible.
We both return to our tables, and throughout the quiet meal, we constantly glance at each other while our peers laugh, exchange money, and whisper.

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