Just a Dream: Part Two

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Length: 1.6k words

Night Eighteen

Harry's POV

"Raise your wands."

That was the first thing I heard as the world bloomed before my eyes. The scene was set, a bright version of the DADA classroom. Faceless students say at each desk, and a faceless professor stood at the front. I assumed this was who had spoken.

Across from me, Draco Malfoy was staring confusedly at me, his hand loosely curled around his wand.

I swallow thickly.

Why didn't I remember getting to class?

Shaking off my concern, I raised my wand and glared feebly at Draco, awaiting the instructions of the professor. But they stayed silent.

Confused, I glanced at the professor, only to find them gone.

When I looked back at Draco, I discovered, instead of being in the DADA classroom, we stood at the center of a bloody, muddy field.

Instead of wearing his school uniform, he was sporting a black dress shirt with rolled up sleeves to reveal barbed wire tattoo on one arm and a writhing Dark Mark on the other. His pants were black as well, but splattered with an even darker substance - blood, my mind said - while his hair, instead of being loose, was tied into a bun at the nape of his neck.

"You know what this is, right?" He said hoarsely, his eyes on the ground.

I cocked my head curiously.


"A wizard's duel. I... I don't know why we're here, though." He said.

I frowned, licking my lips, and tried to take a hesitant step back. But my feet wouldn't budge.

Fear striking me suddenly, I struggled to move, but instead watched with growing terror as my hand raised and aimed itself at Draco.

A smirk curled my lips.


Draco's POV

Those terrifying words echoed in my mind as if my head were hollow. My vision swam, and I tried to take a step back, only watching as my wand arm suddenly raised. An involuntary sneer soured my face.

"Bring it on, Potter."

What was going on?

Frightened, we made eye contact, and I felt slight relief as I recognized the astonishment and horror burning bright.

My gaze drifted down to his clothes.

Instead of the Gryffindor robes and school uniform, Harry sported a loose white t-shirt with a low neck to reveal a tattoo of a dragon on his collarbones. He wore jeans that were streaked with mud, and his usually short curls were long, brushing against his shoulders.

What did I look like to him?

I leapt back with shock as a sudden spell erupted from Harry's wand, nearly striking me.

"Oi, watch it!" I barked, and then my wand arm whipped, shooting a blood red bolt in his direction.

He jumped back, and fired back a green bolt, that struck me right in the center of my chest.

Everything seemed to freeze.

I watched, completely numb as Harry broke out of his trance, shouting mutely as I fell to the ground-

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