Alone Together

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Description: After Draco breaks his ankle in the Forbidden Forest, Ron and Hermione leave Harry and him alone to go get help.

Song: Hostage by Billie Eilish

Warnings: none :)

Length: 1.5k words


Harry's POV

My breath floated in the cold air, white as the clouds that drifted above. Beside me, Hermione was quiet; she had her hands in a knot behind her back, and her eyes were firmly ahead, not once straying to the people on either side of her.

"This is a problem," Ron said firmly. Like Hermione, his hands were together, though the fingers on his left hand kneaded furiously at his right palm.

"It is," Hermione confirmed.

We all stared at the sight, the ground, glimmering ruby, not one of us looking away from the injury.

Draco's teeth made an audible click as he clenched them together.

"A definite problem!" he nearly howled, then moved as if to place his hands along his crooked ankle, but thought better of it at the last second.

The Forbidden Forest was still all around us. It was dawn, and yet, something had frightened the birds away, leaving the area around the trees eerily silent. All sound was muffled, even our footsteps against the mulch. Draco, Hermione, Ron, and I had decided to take an early morning walk, much to Pansy and Blaise's chagrin, as they would be quite furious to find us alone in the woods without anybody knowing where we were. Along the way, we were crossing a stream, and, well...

Draco's foot wouldn't stop bleeding. Hermione bit her lip, almost as if she wanted to perform a verbal spell knowing full well she would most likely botch the difficult feat. Stupidly enough, we had been in agreement that we should leave our wands back in our common rooms. We were constantly surrounded by the bitter, electric buzz of magic, and we mutually agreed that it would be nice that if, for once, to leave the burnt smell behind. It had seemed like a good idea at the time.

"I can attempt a verbal spell," Hermione suggested, only eliciting a pained snort from Draco.

"Great idea!" he cried out sarcastically, then turned to Ron and I. "Did you hear her? As if that would be a success. Merlin, you'd probably end up pulling a Lockhart. I do not want rubbery bones or anything of the sort, thank you."

Hermione was indignant. "I'm quite talented with verbal spells, I'll have you know."

"Yeah, like what?"

She was silent for a moment. "Mostly defensive spells," she confessed, and Draco's eyes fluttered shut.

"The horror," he murmured, then fell into a brooding silence.

Ron and I glanced at each other, completely unsure of what to do.

"We could try to walk back to Hogwarts," Ron suggested. "It's not that far away, I believe."

"Ron, no. It's an hour walk, at least, from here," I pointed out, and he blinked, miffed.

"Fine, then. Hermione, surely you have some summoning spell."

"No. Why would I?" she retorted.

"Can you all just shut up? We have to find a way to get out of here, one that, preferably, does not include walking." Draco's voice had grown high with pain.

"And how, exactly, do you plan to do that?" Hermione snapped. Then, all of a sudden, her eyes went alight with the sparks of a plan. "Wait. This'll take awhile, but...."

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