A Game of Truth

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Description: A few truths are spilled during a game organized by the Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs (Harry's POV)

Warnings: None (if cliché isn't considered an actual warning)

Song: Love You Like a Love Song by Selena Gomez

Length: 1k words

Harry's POV

"Okay." Hermione clapped her hands together, swaying on her feet. "Basically, since some people are unfamiliar with this game, everyone takes a shot of Veritaserum before it starts. Then, we all write our names on the bottoms of the shot glasses and place them at the center of the circle. Whoever is selected will close their eyes and choose a shot glass. The person's name they draw will have to answer the other person's question."

My mouth went dry.

"Everyone got it? Okay, Ron'll go first."

She conjured up shot glasses brimming with Veritaserum. Everyone downed their's, and Ron grinned wildly, selecting a cup from the center of the circle. He glanced at the name and his smile grew exceedingly wider.

"Harry." He read, and I groaned, squeezing my eyes shut.


"Are you actually dating my sister?"

From across the room, I caught sight of Ginny's intense cringe. We didn't date, at least, not exactly... Rather, we protected each other from the truth.

I found myself shaking my head.

"No." My lips formed the word, and I flinched as Ron frowned.

"Wait, seriously-"

His words were cut off as Luna, who sat beside him, daintily picked up a shot glass and read the name.


The blonde girl across the circle from us flinched, hunching her shoulders.

"Have you ever had romantic feelings towards someone here?"

When she shook her head, I wasn't surprised. According to most of the Hufflepuffs, Hannah Abbott was both asexual and aromantic.

Hermione was the third person to select a shot glass.

"Dean, whom have you kissed in the entire school? Everyone included." She said devilishly.

Dean made an exasperated noise, but began to spew names.

"Ginny, Zacharias, Cho, Blaise, Ernie, Fred, Parvati, and... Seamus." He blurted, and both him and those who were mentioned blushed furiously.

Ron whistled.

"Dean, you player! Who's next?"

My lips thinning, I grabbed a shot glass, and read the name off of it.

"Leanne. Hottest person here?"

The Hufflepuff blushed, avoiding everyone's gaze before saying, "You."

A bunch of the Gryffindors cackled, but the Hufflepuffs just smiled and giggled.

Seamus, who sat beside me, grinned and grabbed at a shot glass before turning to me with his eyes sparkling.

"Harry, who have you kissed?"

I swore mentally, but my mouth was running before I could force it shut.

"Cho, Ginny, Cedric, Oliver, and.... And...." I squeezed my eyes shut, and snapped my jaw closed, desperate not to spill that name.

When I opened my eyes, I found that the whole circle had leaned in.

Ron looked slightly confused, and Hermione and Ginny's eyes were gleaming, as they both knew what name I was about to spill.

"C'mon, Harry." Seamus said, his face still red from Dean's confession.

I shook my head violently, and covered my ears, gasping for breath.

Hermione placed a delicate hand on my shoulder, her brows crinkling.

"Harry, just run." She said, but I found myself shaking my head. "Seriously. If you don't want to answer, you-"

A spiking pain shot through my head, and I cried out, gritting my teeth.

"Just answer the goddamn question! You'll feel better." A Hufflepuff hissed, and I closed my eyes, letting out their name in a whisper.

Everyone leaned in even closer.

"Speak louder." Ron demanded. "We couldn't hear you."

I spoke their name louder, but the name was once more lost on everyone.., Except for Seamus.

"Holy shit!" He yelped, and slapped his hand to his mouth, his eyes wide.

Dean grabbed his elbow.

"What?" He hissed, but Seamus stayed silent, still staring at me.

"Oh, Merlin..." He groaned, and closed his eyes, leaning into Dean. "This isn't good. Not at all. How did that even happen?"

I found myself answering the question.

"Well, you see, I was with Hermione in the library, and-"

I found myself interrupted by Ron.

"You kissed Hermione?!" He screeched, and I shook my head, staring at the floor with disdain.

"Not her." I whispered, and his frown deepened.

"Then who?"

I tried not to say the name, but the pain worsened until I finally wailed, "Draco! I kissed Draco Malfoy!"

Everyone in the circle went silent.

"Oh." Ron choked, and, to my surprise, her burst into laughter.

I blinked furiously.

"Why are you-"

"Because we all already knew, mate! Well, at least, Hermione, Luna, Ginny, and I did. It's so obvious." He cackled, slapping his knee.

Hermione nodded gravely.

"Yeah... It is sort of obvious that you two have been snogging."

I scowled, crossing my arms.

"How so?"

"Well, you did come back to the common room wearing a Slytherin tie, once." Colin piped up, and both Seamus and Dean nodded.

"Yeah, and it's pretty obvious that you and Draco are constantly missing classes and coming back with bruises on your necks." Dean added.

"Not to mention the cheesy love notes signed Your Dragon." Neville mumbled, smiling at me.

I flushed deeply, my face growing hot.

"What-" I spluttered, before people began to interrupt me.

"Yeah!" A young second year exclaimed. "Don't think we don't notice the looks you shoot at each other."

"Or what about the bite marks on your jaw that Draco was known for giving Blaise back in fourth year." One Hufflepuff mentioned, causing a bunch of people to giggle wildly.

"Or the roses on your desk."

"Or the origami birds."

"Or moans from your bed."

"Or the-"

"Okay!" I said sharply, and everyone fell silent, blinking innocently.

"So you admit it?" Ron said slyly, smiling. "You're with him?"

I sighed, raking a hand through my hair.

"Yeah. I am."

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